Term-time holidays

Who’s going to change your man-nappy?

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Totally agree, Papa. It’s just a huge fecking rip-off

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But not as bad as whinging childless vegans :slight_smile:

Or nursery costs as it is known. KettleJr’s time spent sticking things to paper plates costs about a Cadenza Blue every two months.

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I’m not sure that the holiday business is fantastically profitable is it - not compared with something like eBay or working as a private consultant in the public sector :grin: ? The discrepancy between prices at times of high demand and low demand is what it is only because the demand varies so very much. You hit the nail on the head when you said the demand needs to be spread out more.

For what it’s worth, prices in the summer would be even higher if it weren’t for people like Kevin who are prepared to go when it’s ‘quiet’


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Another twist.
All parents can choose to self educate their children. Guess what kind of controls are put on them? NONE!!
There is no agreed teaching/lesson plan; no checks; no measurements; no accountability, at all.
There are no meetings, conferences, assessments, attendance records, no paper work; no proof at all, that you are doing, anything, to educate your child.
Rather puts this dodgy business, in perspective.



At the end of the day they are all just another brick in the wall.:anguished:

Sort out the stupid price fixing for school holidays and you fix the absence problem

(really this is just teachers pissed off that they have to pay full whack for their holidays where this guy got it 50% cheaper :slight_smile: )

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Most of the holidays that have a huge price differential are the really shit ones. Disneyhell, who’d actually pay to go there? :scream:


We simply can’t. The high price at times of high demand is a pure symptom*. The only way to fix the problem is to fix the cause. (OK, we could fix the pricing by insisting that the only holidays anyone can go on are trips to the state-run workers’ vacation camps where the price is the same whether your assigned week on the beach happens to be in December or July. But I don’t think we want to live in the former East Germany do we ?).


*If the airlines/resort operators could fill their seats/beds evenly the whole year round then they would. It’s a fiercely competitive market. But as it is everyone wants to go in the summer. The only way they can cover their costs in the off seasons is by raising the price in the high season until demand is reduced to match their capacity then.

It’s tough for me to say it but I agree. This^^^ Soooo much this^^^^^

Yes, I ooze smug :smiling_imp:

I have to disagree. The real economic costs of having kids have been calculated many times and the answers are always large and positive (i.e. parents pay big for the privilege). I’m grateful that people are prepared to do that. I guess the old truth that “Nothing worth having comes for free” applies here. I’m told kids are very rewarding, but they’re not cheap.



Meh :unamused:


It is indeed incredibly expensive having kids, both financially and in time terms. But holidays don’t have to be. There are plenty of great places to visit that are readily drivable.


Why not just get a dog, cat, budgerigar etc.

Is there a single person on here who doesn’t believe Planet Earth, and indeed the UK, are massively overpopulated?

The sooner one of these bird flu type things become a proper epidemic and wipes out 25-50% of the population the better. Personally I’d be happy if it were 100%.

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As a human being of sorts, I do appreciate the efforts of Mater & Pater Sexy. It’s quite good being alive and seemingly they completed one of the only scientifically obvious reasons for being - reproduction.

Mr. MWS attended school in body, his mind was most often elsewhere. I was removed several times annually during term time to travel the world thankfully prior to oppressive nannying form the state which played rather well into the hands to airlines, hotels and credit card companies. As a parent today I note with throbbing purple passion it is ALL school holidays that are x2+ times more expensive to travel. It comes to something when you are doing your bit for humanity and get taxed for the privilege.

In terms of education I am indeed indebted to Mr. & Mrs Sexy senior for the foresight and wherewithal to remove me from the concrete confines of curriculum and afford me with the opportunity to ‘learn’ about relaxation, Venezuelan Bombay rolls, soapy Thai massages and above all share quality time with parents who would not have been able to afford it during term time.

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Good thing y’all don’t got no guns :laughing: