The AA Bus Stop

Surely it must, a gobby lot, bus drivers :smirk:

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Good video, this!

A well researched video, this. And yes, some of these are still in revenue earning service.

The chassis for the largest one weighs 6 tons. Quite substantial. Fucking nice badges until the late 'sixties.

Spotters fact. A batch for Kinchasa had Leopard Badges.

I think it’s to do with the Leopard being the national emblem* of Congo.


*Emblem of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia

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That would be the Okapi

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Ok. Thanks for the correction. Sorry I got it wrong! I’ll have to check my source research. And edit my post. The bit about Leopard Badges and Kinchasa is definitely right.

Need to re-read the reason for the Leopard! :+1::sunglasses:

Of course the country was known as Zaire at the time these vehicles were delivered:


Quite like the idea of a Leyland Okapi :crossed_fingers:

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Okapi don’t exist; they’re just fancy Bambies! :nerd_face:

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The parakeet of the artiodactyl world :ok_hand:

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Exactly. Just Bambies with a fancy paint-job! :deer::deer::deer:

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