The all-new shiny cockpunch thread (Part 1)

You missed the Canadians… :wink:

Won’t sign-up to our delusional one-nation trading-bloc - fuck 'em right in the pensions! The fuckers :angry:


Water companies? British Gas?

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She only a PGA golf Pro, what would she know eh:)

But but he’s been playing golf 20 years :rofl:

Fuck the glof, couldn’t keep my eyes off the sprayed on leggings :rofl:


Wonder what he thinks of Sharia Law? l

Isn’t she a famous cuntry and western singer?


You should google Paige Spiranac if you want to ogle female golfers!

(Or maybe you shouldn’t)

She was a pro golfer but didn’t quite make the LPGA circuit

When I was competing I’d get lots of unsolicited advice from coaches and people associated with the club etc.

I always responded the same way - “Oh I don’t understand what you’re saying, could you come up here and demonstrate what you mean…?”

There was a direct relationship between the length of time you stood there pointing at the apparatus waiting for them and the propensity to repeat the advice giving :grin:


I pissed myself at that. Favourite part when when he really leaned into it after she smashed one down the middle for him - “there you go see what I mean” :sob:

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Fuck sakes…

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Lopwell knobbery.


Ahaha omg.

@stu you been on the thunderbirds and riding the PUCH around again?

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Almost certainly driven off the dam by marauding Brownies.


This has always been an unfair policy. Why should a rupert with no kids get a big 4 bed house when an NCO with 3 kids is extremely lucky to get a 4 bed house and in most cases a 2/3 bed house with bunkbeds. It’s bad enough that the housing for NCOs is absolutely awful, in Bulford most of the married accommodation was horrible 1960’s flats in the middle of nowhere with no shops or amenities.

I got a married quarters when I got engaged in Germany and it was awful, all the downstairs rooms had lino on concrete and upstairs were carpet tiles. When we came back to the UK they moved us into the old US housing at Greenham Common and it was fantastic.

It was bad enough that Officers could buy or rent off camp with no approvals needed but if an NCO wanted to live off camp they had to be married and go see the families officer and Padre to prove they could look after themselves before getting approval from the CO.

Let alone trying to get a mortgage, that also had to be approved by the CO. In one case we had a particularly religious CO who refused to approve a mortgage application for a mate who had been with his girlfriend since school (8 years) because they weren’t married and had the audacity to say they weren’t thinking about it yet.

That sort of stuff used to really grip my shit :rage: :rage: :rage:


Grew up in army accommodation, all shit holes and bunkbeds three of us kids to a room. Only decent place was in pergamos Cyprus , it’s was flattened not long after we left . Officers quarters a much different proposition, most had tennis courts that were out of bounds to nco and below.

Just carrying-on the proud and ancient tradition of treating all non-ranking military personnel like total and utter shit from the cradle to the grave…

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