Eggs and one basket come to mind.
My understanding is this outage has very little to do with Microsoft per se - it’s Crowdstrike’s update that’s fucking up Windows machines.
That (now) seems to be the case.
One of the wife’s colleagues (infosec, she’s infra) who left a few weeks ago went to Crowdstrike. I don’t think that’s going to go well.
Simon Calder, or more likely the cadaverous cunt’s agent.
For what seems a lifetime now, this toerag pops up whenever there is the slightest issue with anything travel based and manages to state the bleeding obvious and impart no meaningful information what-so-fucking-ever.
Travel consultant my arse.
Surprised he doesn’t have an office in 4 Millbank that amount of media time he gets. Or at least a reserved table in Crush the coffee shop in the basement.
Fuck sakes… They lost; they need to fucking get over themselves!
Who thought
was a good idea?
Is there perhaps a rule that if he’s forced to act as (deputy) speaker he can’t block important legislative progress because of some personal irritation concerning a detail in it, as he seems inclined to do otherwise ?
As Graeme intimated, he’s been using parliamentary protocols to stymie debates for so long, he’s probably (unfortunately) the best choice for the job as he won’t be able to keep it up without serious scrutiny.
Edit: And he knows exactly how far they can be pushed and, unfortunately for him, can do fuck-all until that threshold is crossed.
Anyone for a sweepstake on the first MP to out-Chope Chope?
His role is apolitical, as a deputy speaker he can’t vote in a division.
If the vote is equal the speaker (or deputy speaker if he is acting speaker) has the casting vote and traditionally sides with the government, as the precedent is that it is not the role of the chair to create a majority that did not otherwise exist for action.
In some ways it is a good way of shutting him up
He might actually be quite good in the role in a ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ way.
Little Joey, I can’t believe that, such a quiet considerate boy and doesn’t like the limelight or trouble of any sort, he’s always been the victim.
Vine is a cunt, haS been for a while now. Just the worst sort of self seeking publicist looking to stir up shit for an audience. His radio show is fucking awful.
Shouty reactionary moron bait. Utter joke of a BBC ‘journalist’.
Thought he’d been banished to the wilderness of ch5. Stopped listening to R2 years ago though TBF, mainly because that cunt was on it.
His brother is probably the unfunniest comedian and almost annoying as his twatty brother.
He was a mate of mine when I lived in Surrey so I will have to disagree with you on that one.
well that certainly explains a lot about your jokes here.