The all-new shiny cockpunch thread

Get your nobs out of one-another’s gobs for a minute and admit it: you fucking LOVE that thread :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: - why else can you not stay out of it?

It’s fascinating, just not for the reasons you would want it to be. :grinning:

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Yeah, like watching that guy’s head explode in Scanners. In. Slow. Motion.

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Hate it / Can’t stay out of it… . . . …and I’m the one in denial? :rofl: :joy:

Nice to see a new credit card arrive this morning


The fuckers, presumably with a credit limit a 2x your annual income?

Can’t find a limit on it

They awarded him to be in the right and gave him his money back and I lose my fees as I wouldn’t agree to accepting it back


I thought you were sleeping in the luxury of an Astra?

Surely you haven’t been downgraded?

No they have offering a million £29 per might deals the 3 I contacted need 325 days notice to get the deal

I stupidly presumed it was some kind of COVID push to get people into the hotels. Everywhere I’ve looked have bee n 80 to 200 per night luckily my sister put me up tonight. Rest of the trip w be the Astra suite

I was going to treat myself to a travelodge for at least one night for a shower etc. They can fuck off

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Uppercut to the tiny glans of the dull introverted but nonetheless ego driven narcissistic sociopaths that are trying their best to put me off various stuff at the moment.

Must be something about these quiet tightly wound self absorbed cunts that attracts them into areas like medicine, pharmacy and similar, but not limited to. They sit in meetings and use pathetic tactics like dramatically going quiet to draw attention to themselves and given any encouragement will then proceed to make the rest of the meeting all about them and their needs and their ideas :roll_eyes:

Then there’s the tactic of not saying anything at all in public when given opportunity but then will bitch and moan about not being included or listened to, to anyone unlucky enough to be near them when they feel the need to broadcast this. Too fucking pathetic to actually articulate this to your face they whisper to their mates in a group think confirmatory circle jerk.

The other trait, classic narcissism, is to massively overestimate the importance of their opinion. They’ll bottle that shit up and hold on to it really tightly if they have a problem with you (but not socially skilled enough to actually come to you) and cowardly lash it out on email or whatsapp like its fucking God given gospel. Therein that strange dichotomy where narcissists go out their way to seek approval from others.

Jeez, get over your fucking selves and let me get on with some work FFS without having to deal (or ignore) with your mental psychodrama :rofl:

Aaah, that’s better!


Autism has many forms.


Forum strapline/ethos yadadda yadadda…

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That’s a very long forum tagline

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Definitely not limited to medical fields, every large org has a collection of them, especially the ‘say nothing then lob a grenade’ type

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Sounds like every Departmental Meeting at every University I have worked at or visited. Referred to in private as Depart Meetings in the naive expectation that this would discourage the mental from turning up.


did away with them as soon as I was made head!

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I have a feeling, the greater esteem and success of a professor is proportional to their diminishing common sense and decrease in independence.