The Milk Float Thread

The Audi Duo III hybrid based on the A4 I mentioned is discussed briefly below. It was too early and too expensive, Audi finally produced between 50 and 100 units as far as I can read back from various sources. I was mightily impressed by that car.

With a cast of Born Again Vegans. :wink:


How do you know if someone drives an EV? Don’t worry, they will inform you shortly.


Are all EVs driven by Vegans ?

EV drivers are the new vegans :laughing:

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16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Energy chat

This needs editing



I just found out that my firm offers a car scheme. Ooh, I thought, could I get a Tesla with all the tax benefits?

Turns out that yes, I could. Unfortunately their car partner charges £900 a month for even the most basic Tesla, which you could go online and get for under £600. OK it’s insured, but even so it wipes out all the tax benefits. Cunts.

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Wouldn’t it be worth it tho, just for not having to press sport mode every time you get in the car?


Outrageous pricing!

Stop popping up Mr blue

Showed my nephew the Tesla App last night as he saw it on my screen.
Car parked in our drive (we were miles away in Yorkshire). On 86%.

Woke up this morning to my wife asking why she had an alert that the heating had been on for hours, and the car had switched it off as the battery was 21%.



Fanbois curse.,

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Forget it, I’ve worked out it out what happened doh!

Tusk tusk, such a flagrant waste of energy - that’s as bad as leaving the the car with the engine running to defrost the windows. :grin:


Slightly scared I have cooked the front seats.

Tesla tur key solution

Very reasoned view of the electric car market:

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