The secret diary of Elon Musk and other fuckery


I think Twitter might well turn out to be his undoing.

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Most of his previous cuntishness has been behind closed doors in private. Its very much not the case here

Dat whole $8 tick-verification thing is going well…


There will be lawsuits - lots and lots and lots of lawsuits.

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This might be the thing that gets that US communications act changed to make the platforms liable for their content. Then things will change

That will never happen, neither should it. If people don’t like the moderation policy of a particular platform, leave it.

At this rate he won’t have any staff.

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These platforms make money from promoting the content. If they didn’t promote it you could argue they have no responsibility, but they do, so they absolutely should take responsibility for it.

It’s almost like he’s some kind of ego-bloated toxic-narcissist pissing huge amounts of other-people’s money up a wall that he can’t see and doesn’t understand, all while smoking WAY more top-drawer jazz-cabbage than is even remotely wise for any one man…



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We now see the difference between Musk the salesman and Musk the businessman.

The bloke had some good ideas, used his dad’s money to set them up and sell them but now he has to get involved in the business side of things is an utter cockwomble.


That quoted ‘GWB’ tweet is great in its own right;


He’s also like a lot of so-called business leaders in that they forget for most people it’s a job to pay the bills. It’s not a lifelong obsession, they don’t have the money or luxury of saying ‘fuck it’ either. You just know Musk will be one of the ones bleating loudly about ‘quiet quitting’ whilst paying fuck all to most of the staff and treating them like shit.

You can get a pretty good idea what he’s like from the recent documentaries made about him - which Hel watched while I continually tutted and threw back rebuttals to his egocentric drivel.

It is the AA way


It’s still all going swimmingly I see:


Seems he needs to give it back to the grown-ups… :face_with_monocle: