The secret diary of Elon Musk and other fuckery

Musk is far more dangerous.



One small solace I take is that, after spending all that money ruining Twitter and turning into an online toilet, even the people who have stayed are still mercilessly slagging Elmo off;


Ah yes, that scion of virtue and good-judgement, Errol Musk - the man who banged-up his own stepdaughter…

Hard to imagine why Elno is the damaged-goods he is…


I can’t bring myself to actually listen to this. The headline is bad enough.

But you decided to post it!

Yes. I thought that the headline may be of interest. The idea that Tommy Robinson is some sort of modern day Mandela is beyond hilarious.


Muskrat seems hell bent on cunty

Foreigners trying to tell Britons that a guy who doesn’t like foreigners should be their prime minister.

My mind, as ever, is full of fuck.

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He could be doing us a favour there. I genuinely believe Fuhrage will be the next PM, and it’s going to take this level of twatty cunterference and a candidate as loathsome as The Rape-tato to derail that.

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he’s bonkers

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Tricky thing is Muskrat has the money and mouth piece to muck spread all over British politics. He’s in the news (and in turn Public consciousnesses) three fold over Starmer on a daily basis. There’s an issue with that.

Musk’s disruptor, ‘control the narrative’ shtick is, currently at least, rather potent, he is seizing attention. It doesn’t matter if that’s for good or bad, to the hard of thinking they see him as a success and a genius. in much the same way Murcans see Trump as a persecuted, strong and successful leader
(which is about as far away from the truth as you can get but the truth isn’t entertaining or of interest to cunts).



These are the same photo no?


I didn’t know they did Cyberfuck in pink!


pink is the way forward… even macho mens watches come in pink now:

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You bet! I do have some rather fetching pink shorts. Not quite brave enough for pink cords though! :rofl:

my pink car gets a lot of looks… but that might be the eyelashes on the headlights and the dice that look like testicles hanging from the mirror

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