It can’t be that bad, the Birthday Party were Australian
I’ve gone right off you
A whole new take on going to Iceland for the shopping.
Very envious, would love to live up there, but Mrs Cambs would never be up for it…
It’s great when the clocks go back - Sunday just seems to last forever
Wouldn’t it be brill if it happened every Sunday
Tiny bit foggy out. Which means the motorway is fucked, and people will have their foglights on 'til Christmas.
Fuck it, might have a sickie.
horrible late drive back from Heathrow last night after BA cancelled our flight… luckily they held the last two seats on the last flight for us…
Yep all the way up the M42 - M1 this morning the usual plonkers getting excited at having an excuse to put their spotlights on
Wow, well done that looks amazing.
Is that summat Ritchie knocked up after a few too many gins?
No way, Ritchie would never be happy with that button detail!.
Just noticed that the jacket has a false arm thingy. Put me right off it that has.
Does this mean he’s out of the coma?
I (stupidly) wondered why the room where they do the colonoscopies was like a fridge and the air con was turned up to “tornado”. I soon found out.
Not a barrel of laughs, a colonoscopy.