The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Quite interesting to watch the live video though

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I donā€™t see a need for a live colonoscopy channel. The internet already caters pretty well for sick minded cunts.

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Just watch the look of horror dawn on other blokes faces when you explain exactly what a cystoscopy is.

ā€œNo ā€¦ Really? They do that?ā€

A lot of blokes then involuntarily cross their legs.

Did somebody call?

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Oh, only ones own, as it happens. I had an interesting running commentary from the Aussie medic at the controls, takes your mind off the discomfort.

Garrulous fuckers the Aussies.

Aye right. I told the medic to shut it as I wasnā€™t feeling too chatty owing to the larger than expected apparatus that he was chiselling away with.

They do that for free??


donā€™t they give you a copy on DVD so you can relive the experience with your family and friends? or do you have to buy it?

Actually they are missing trick thereā€¦ perhaps they should release video you can use with a VR headset then you can really swim in the shit. You could share that with family and friendsā€¦

hmmm, didnā€™t think to askā€¦

all shit thoroughly cleared out first - thatā€™s the worst bitā€¦
Will have to suggest to a friend who develops VR - might be a market there :slight_smile:

The last time I had a colonoscopy there was no shit to swim through, the moviprep the night before saw to thatā€¦:scream:

I watched mine live on a big Sony HD telly, it was very interesting when they lassoed one of the polyps up there, the magnification made the tiny wire look like a hawser that wouldnā€™t have been out of place on the Titanic, which was quite disconcerting.

Carol Vordernanā€™s face lift, WTF! Left her with a lisp to boot. Ladies, just say no, unless you think that face lift ugly is somehow attractive in any way, shape or form.

Will be eating kangaroo anus and the like soon apparently.

Thanks, Iā€™ve now got a horrible image in my head of her and Terry in a dungeon wearing gimp masks.

Why horrible?

Iā€™ve had similar thoughts in the past and they were far from horrible. It was over quicker than I had hoped, but not horrible.

I turn 50 on Friday, so itā€™s a hop on the Eurostar this morning (almost all the way) to Antwerp.

Too much beer, mussels etc. Meet up with friends. Booked a nice restaurant right next to the new Port House for Friday evening.

(yes, thatā€™s a real thing, not photoshop)

Then I find out whether Iā€™ve been made redundant or I have to hand my notice in myself from Monday onwards.

Busy, busy.


Does this suggest that you interviews were successful? If so, congratulations!

Not really. Iā€™m quite far on with one lot, owed an answer by another lot, and Iā€™ve started mooching around a few contracts - I was a contractor for a long time.

However some stuff has gone down that has hardened my resolve; no matter what happens Iā€™m leaving immediately. Worst case Iā€™ll have a few months off, which would be nice.