The Wonderful World of Turntable Design AKA: Dave's Fugly World Of TT Wank

Brazil man is most strange in his fetish. Taste doesn’t come into it with him if it was released on vinyl he wants it. ALL OF IT. Pure and simple. His storage methods, disregard for condition etc have earned him the nom de plume ‘The chud magnet’ - Basically he suffers from OCD in a big way. He is attempting to transcribe some of what he’s bought but this seems rather pointless as he buys shit, the kind of shit that is everywhere for free digitally - Weird way to spend time but good on him it keeps him busy.

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Quality. :rofl:

Brazil man is late out the gate in comparison to 'Mr. Collectro’s" ground breaking affliction




And then I go back to this horror

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why make all that effort with all that metal, and then plonk it down on a mattress

Shit or Shinola?


Three possible reasons;

  1. To spread the weight to make sure the very heavy thing doesn’t go through the floor.
  2. It is some sort of vibration thing.
  3. It’s a pallet and they have covered it with a sheet, so they can move the thing without 3 days of taking it apart and putting it back together again.


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More blue lights than a host of Chi-fi amps.

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Looks like something a Telly Tubby or Macca Pacca would use.


There are aspects of this design that I like.


That is extremely pretty

I’ve seen it at Munich a couple of times. That’s a 16" gunmetal platter so the whole thing is a pretty substantial item.

The mix of metals, meh.

Sort of like when you put a gunmetal mat on an SP-10 type of mix?