Tits Up?

No, it’s the software (and it being upgraded).

If AWS goes down it’s a very big deal. They don’t really do brownouts.

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That and Jon’s fat fingers. :grinning:

As @Gyroscope says, if AWS is down, many, many things stop working. The forums is likely the least of your worries then!

the whole world…

Pretty much.

Apparently, an upgrade didn’t work properly. Or fat fingers. Whatever.

Jim then.

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Are there lots of niggles? There’s hardly ever an issue, as far as I can see.

The last time someone posted here was 24 April.

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Normally very stable indeed. More stable than the platform I work on :grimacing:

But this morning, a bit wobbly.

Just nuke it for shits’n’giggles.


I lost my icon yesterday and has me to log in a few times

That’s going to be your device/browser rather than the forum itself.

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I got logged out on my phone yesterday, and had to reset my password.

The server was down around 9:30 this morning though. It was back up by the time I’d made a sausage butty and some coffee.

All the secret rooms are gone and where’s my bitcoins?

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All working fine h


Looks like we’ve been compromised, someone call Geneva to freeze the accounts while we route out the rat.

No in short. The site itself is hosted on a Digital Ocean droplet, basically a Linux Server install that I manage (for a given value of manage). The drop outs this morning were caused by an update to the forum software not going through as they were supposed to and falling over part way through.

We run the beta version of the Discourse software on here. As we cannot realistically use their self hosted option due to price, I felt it was worth doing our bit to help out as developing software this complex is really not a trivial task.


Search has been kicked in the plums and warned as to its future conduct. It should now be functioning properly again.


Bit of a disturbance in the force.

Trying to post a Spotify link it doesn’t show in the preview

Then if I post anyway it blows chunks

Shit, now it works.

As you were.