Today I have mainly been V2.0

Yeah well, Cleethorpes was fully booked :rage:

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Starting the listening to try and decide between my Remton and Nick @Myrman’s AI P2 phono stage.

You just know I’m going to end up dissatisfied with both :confused:

Taking my Dad to a hospital appointment.(Vascular Ultrasound).
They are working Sundays because of a backlog of appointments and if they miss a 6 week response time the hospital gets fined. (Seems a strange way to motivate under resourced staff).
Got seen bang on time, the staff were fantastic with my Dad (he is very deaf and has dementia). they took their time and explained what they were doing and what the results they found meant and what the next steps would be.
Thanks to the way they were with him Dad was totally relaxed about the whole thing and after I got him home he said that he had really enjoyed his ‘day out’.
I can’t emphasise enough how good they were, normally Dad finds anything out of his normal routine very distressing and I wasn’t looking forward to today


All hospitals get the same tariff for each procedure so technically they are not underfunded. If they are under resourced or more likely poor at managing their patient lists and backlogs then it is the fault of the hospital and their responsibility to improve.

Commissioners can impose fines, but most choose not to as its counterproductive, and many use the value of fines/ withdrawn monies to pay for improvement projects to help alleviate the underlying issues.

However having said all that, it’s more important to hear you and your father had a good experience and were looked after :+1:

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Watching Plymouth Raiders v Newcastle Eagles. Exciting stuff though Newcastle shading it so far.


Walking the dog on the moors


This one is a diesel,quite nice to try 3rd gear as i only manged to get into 2nd on the 1.4 petrol one :+1:


Autumn mooch


3rd gear ?! Bang goes the licence !

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Also off on a wander.


Going by the look on Fruit of loin 2s face, she has understood, at a precocious age, that life is inherently unfair as she makes the comparison between her and her father’s beverages…

Also her countenance suggests that you will pay dearly for the inequity.


The Hound of the Baskerville.

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In truth I am out gunned and undone.


Me too mate, I am surrounded by females, until recently 10 of them, but 2 mice have died within days of each other. The only other male, Sony the cat, had his balls chopped off, so I know my place in the pecking order.

On your way to a golf course then :grinning:

Escaped to the pub with the dog, also female, who is now whining because I’ve had 3 pints and she’s decided that’s plenty. :slightly_frowning_face: FML.


I was referring to the fact that you will soon have 18 holes in your extended family.



Bollocks to her, I’m finishing off the row…


Rebel !! :+1: