The site software saved me the trouble. As you were
So Terry, what is your favourite kitchen appliance?
I have spent today playing with new hifi kit and staying away from the seafront
You could unbored yourself by learning how to link back new topics to the originals.
I am completely convinced that wouldn’t work.
That sounds like a job for a Mod to me. One with enthusiasm and no more than two thumbs lest the wrong button be pushed…
Finishing stripping, then priming about 15 feet of railings. Had to go back to bare metal because of patches of corrosion. My fault for not looking after them better, but then 25 years since last painting is a testimony to Hammerite. Takes about 3 days to do each 15ft length.
Another 25 feet still to do…
I am no longer bored.
For reasons only understood by canines, the dog had a shite next to the dining room rug. As we have been barbecuing nobody noticed the shite until middle daughter stepped in it. Then middle daughter walked across the rug . Thankfully, she didn’t jog around the house
. Currently the rug is in the garden having been scrubbed by muggins, who also got to mop the dining room floor. All the hard-bitten Strayan womenfolk I live with were all too busy shouting at each other to think about helping. I was even lucky enough to get to clean the shitty shoes…
I need a drink, but the fallout from that would make dog eggs on the rug a laughing matter. Feck’s sakes…
Cooked breakfast for everyone, did some wood butchering, dropped Lauren off at the stables, went to Cuerden Valley Park with Ruby, Ellie and Claire, prevented Ruby from rolling in what was left of a dead rat, went to the cafe & had a pork pie and a cider, more dog walking, stopped at a nice pub on the way home for a couple of pints, more wood butchering, picked Lauren up from the stables, cooked dinner for me and Lauren, now knackered, but drinking a nice shackledragger Chardonnay.
Wow I am impressed , I hate railings , you must have been very inspired. And yes hammerite is super stuff, bought 2 more tins today as it’s easy to use, dries fast and great using straight over rust.
Stripping & re-making my 10 year old’s bed at 3.30am. And washing floors.
Earlier that evening:
Dad: ‘here’s your pasta’.
Son: silence - (he’s reading) (and obstinate).
Dad goes back to kitchen.
Son, as it turns out, ignores pasta, goes to garden & eats 27 large ripe figs off the tree. I think it must be at least 27 because his bed had a large lake of warm pink fig sick, the floor from the bedroom to the bathroom was liberally spattered and he saved the last half pint for on & round (not in) the toilet.
27 figs? He was on a roll…
Ha , you couldnt make it up !!! 27 figs off a tree ! Thank God it wasn
t some dangerous berries bet he wont do it again .
Going back to reality.
Next stop a pleasant drive to Beaulieu.
I used to like going to the Master Builders at Bucklers Hard. Nice spot just below Beaulieu & worth a look.
It’s the one day of the week that the boys go to holiday club, so I shall be spending it in the workshop finishing my workbench (or at least making some progress on it)