Twitchers Revisited

Fishing has gone the same way especially with carp angling - all about the competition to ‘bag the biggest’ and totally misses the point. They even import the carp and feed them up in special lakes these days. Humans are quite stupid often.

Often ffs

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Hurting fish for fun is pretty retarded no matter how you go about it.

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How long before we have convincing artifical fish ? Clay pigeons seem to work, and clockwork hares in a sense, but I can’t see clay gudgeon being a success. I remember my kid brothers having something like this (although the title belongs in the @Jim’s jokes thread)


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Yeah, fishing will never go away so long as morons continue to insist that fish experience no pain, no fear, no suffering &c when they have a sharpened pin rammed through their mouthparts and are then hauled into a deadly alien environment.

So great is the cognitive dissonance involved that according to its participants this positively contributes to nature conservation…


The fishing thread is that way —> Angling - watcha caught?

Your trolling wil be more effective there. Calling @Wayward

He’s just casting out

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We’ve already had this exchange over on the angling thread…

I’m not making any excuses, or saying that fish don’t feel any pain, or any of the other shite that anglers come out with to defend the frankly indefensible. However, and I dont get out and go much these days, I’ve gone out fishing since I was a kid and I still love it, even if I’m sometimes conflicted. There is simply nothing like (f’rinstance) sitting by a river at dusk, when you have to hold the rod because its too dark to see the bites. Every one of your senses is turned up to ten and you start to feel little trembles through the line as fish feeding around your bait fan the bottom with their tails and disturb little bits of gravel which knock the line. You are aware that the weight has just moved but it happens so quickly that the rod being nearly pulled out of your hand as the next in a sequence of events - involving 30 yards of line being ripped from your reel, the ensuing battle and finally to crouch there shaking as you peel back the folds of your net to look at your prize barbel - can only be picked apart later, over and over until you can go again.

I’ve been obsessed by fishing for large chunks of my life and there is nought like it. The best stress reliever ever, even if you catch nothing and sometimes, sometimes, it is so exciting it is better than sex or drugs, or both! :rofl: I couldn’t give it up even though I know its bad.


Flock of 140,000 knot creates new record.



I know that you put this on for non twitch reasons but these type of set up images bore the pants off me. The kingfisher and no fishing images have been doing the rounds for more than 40 years.

I know, but as you said, that wasn’t the reason I posted it. If you care to look, you’ll see that it was linked to the previous posts with regard to the cruelty of fishing. :roll_eyes:


Walked about 6 miles round the RSPB St Aidans reserve. Very little to seein numbers (other than Coots) but a few lovely ones popped up.

First a couple of Red Kites over the car park. Then a Little Egret swimming right by the path. Further on was a young Kestrel that perched on a branch no more than 20 ft away from us for about 5 minutes before flying right over our heads.

We then found the Cattle Egrets we had been told to look out for round the feet of the Highland cattle. We were told at the office last visit that they were rare so I was chuffed to se them for the second time in a couple of weeks.

And others that I’m not yet able to identify quickly enough.


A dogfight over Watlington this morning…


Red Kite and Sparrowhawk?

Red Kite and Buzzard? @pmac incoming.

Fantastic photo.


^ this

Great pic

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Keeps coming back.
Just hope my pond net is enough of a deterrent, or gives the fish time to take cover…


It’s fishing in the rong pond anyway :laughing:

Spectacular spot of birding there @MGOwner :+1:

Reminds me of some images I snapped last year of a Crow mixing it with a Sparrowhawk, I might still have them…Shall have a look