Velvet Vortex ultrasonic vinyl cleaner

Josh I’ve emailed you details on power supply.

Latest feedback for one I supplied last week.

many thanks for the cleaner. working perfectly. can’t believe the shite it’s lifting off my old vinyl


Latest customer feedback:

Not sure I ever gave feedback after purchasing mine. It is brilliant, far more effective than the bath (spin clean) and vacuum (project) ones I had before. I wouldn’t contemplate using anything else now. I’ve got a mate who keeps bringing batches of records every time he comes round because he can’t believe how much of a difference it makes when I run them through my VV for him while he sits downstairs drinking my beer.


Looking forward to having mine delivered tomorrow :grinning:


Wouldn’t be without mine.:+1:

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need to get mine out of the shipping box :rofl: :rofl:

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Love mine. I still use the Moth to dry but the VV does the cleaning. Get plenty of new anti static inner sleeves.

I really need to sort out some more cleaning fluid!

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Oh balls.
I’ve noticed the tail end of my collection the records have loads of water marks on them. Probably because I was getting tired of cleaning so many and didn’t allow them time to dry.

I doubt it’s audible but annoying all the same. I guess I’ll just pull them out and redo them again.

They all use the thinner poly lined sleeves, the last batch I got from covers33 are different and a bit thicker.

What do you think? Not enough alcohol/surfactant or not letting them dry enough. Will identify which and just redo them one day I suppose.

When I clean more than one,I stand them upright for an hour before putting them in polylined sleeve

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Yeah I had them in the rack for longer than that I think. New sleeves for all of them that just use a paper one.

Could be the fluid mix or the fact I was getting bored at the tail end of 300

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I had the same. When I had cleaned about 25 records I found a lot of mix had evaporated and gradually hadn’t cleaned the last track at all. Needed to top up.

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Did you make more mix up or just put more in
Just bought another 5L water so will do the stained ones with a fresh mix

Got two racks so will just leave twelve to dry for a few hours

I replace the mix completely every 40 or so records depending on how dirty the mix looks. If I’m pausing I’ll drain out, filter through a coffee filter and top up with a new mix next start. Keep the cover on while warming up or leaving mix in overnight so it doesn’t evaporate.

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