His finest hour IMO.
The Bewlay Brothers is just a sublime piece of music.
Happy to say I’ve already got two copies, an original and a remaster from a few years back.
His finest hour IMO.
The Bewlay Brothers is just a sublime piece of music.
Happy to say I’ve already got two copies, an original and a remaster from a few years back.
Probably my favourite Bowie track.
Mine too.
Defo my favourite Bowie album. Gonna buy a copy just to get one of mine back from FoL.
Mine three
And me!
From what I can make out he only played it live twice
Agreed, keep coming back to it, so good
I’d expect a 15 ips reel tape for that much
I thought it was initially.
Holy crap!
All the NO
I’d be interested in seeing that bit actually!
Sez you with the first press Kate Bush Ariel.
Just get an original promo
I’ve entered a mad world that’s for sure.
If a $500 lp is a vinyl bargain, the cost of living crisis is really taking hold.
I woud expect to have a person provided to listen to it for me for that sort of price.
In fact, given that it is ‘A Love Supreme’ I would insist on it