VPI Record Cleaning Machine

Does anyone have experience with these - are they any use?

There’s one for sale reasonably close for $550 CAD - about £320 - is that a sensible price, or best avoided?

Yes used to sell them - have a look at the vac tube… is it frosty or crazed? If so too much iso has been in the fluid and the tube will eventually give up the ghost. Check also the felts on the vac tube, are they balding (look very rubbed / shiny) if so they need replacing (not expensive) as the seller to show you how it works - does it dry the record completely in x2 revs? If not see above felts issue. Generally they are workhorses and plough on for years. If you go for it - ensure when replacing the felts you remove all previous glue (important) also when you make your fluid mix use no more than 20% iso.

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Thanks Matt! From the pics the vacuum tube looks frosty, and I’ll check elsewhere as you’ve indicated. Does around 300 notes seem about right for a working machine (if I can see/prove it to be working…)?

FWIW, I’ve been using a VPI machine for the last few months and I’ve been very happy with it. As Matt says they are proper workhorses and are renowned for their reliability and longevity. I paid somewhat less than the one you’re looking at but I don’t think the asking price is unreasonable.

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A nice condition second hand one will still do £4-500 in the UK.
As long is it works there is nothing to touch it for £300

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Don’t buy one if you live in the UK , No agents and VPi will not send parts to the UK

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Thanks for the warning. I’m in Nova Scotia, so that may be easier - won’t count my chickens though. I can try their website and see if they offer shipping to Canada.

Edit: there’s a VPI dealer in the area, so support should be there if needed. :crossed_fingers: