Wanted - Monitor Audio Studio 20 or Bowers and Wilkins 704 in VG condition

That’s it :slight_smile:
Beautifull. I’ ve had one of these 25 years ago but in Rosewood finish.

If you’re native ( first language English ), sorry, but you should write better, so, your grammar is worse than I, sorry fella :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

Looking Bowers & Wilkins 704, another option

Thanks for looking

how about some very nice 702 s2 ?


Thank you for the tip, but I’m looking a old B&W versions and this why I’m still looking for Studio 20 too. I’m not particulary supporter of new B&W generation / models and are quite expensive too, but thanks again :+1:

Ah ok , will keep a look out


Studio 20 in very good condition, anyone?

To be honest, there aren’t actually very many of us. And Studio 20s aren’t a very common speaker. The likelihood that someone will have picked a pair up in the 5 days since you last posted isn’t going to be great, I’m afraid.



Gilbert - Our classified section is very small with only a few items a week at most. Never can I recall a pair of speakers even similar to MA studio 20 coming up for sale here. You would be much more likely to find what you are looking for on Ebay.


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Studio 20 was a very famous and so popular speaker, but thanks anyway


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The majority of members here are nearer the end of their hifi journey than the beginning and tend towards sensitive speakers and valve amps.

I can’t think of anyone who uses MA speakers

I do, but only when I have run out of clay pigeons.



You’re better off scouring eBay, hifishark, gumtree etc. Even Wigwam and Pinkfish as they have a wider membership and larger classifieds.

What kind of speakers the members use on the here? Thiel? PMC? ATC? Proac? Spendor? Wilson? Kudus? I don’t think so, but who knows.
I’m talking MA of 80’s and 90’s M Iqbal era, not MA of modern times! is not the same, that’s what I’m looking for, is nit easy to find MA from 80 and 90’s, a lot o people does looking the same in diferent foruns.

None of those

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What kind of speakers please?

More Like Avantgarde, Lowther Horns, Living Voice, Audio Note, Devorre Gibbons, Line Magnetic,
Quite a few DIY jobs with generally high sensitivity drivers, quite a few multi way horn systems.

Lots of valve amps,

As I said most people have been into Hifi for quite a while and at the end of their journeys.

It’s not really a hi-fi site Gilbert.

No disrespect, whatsoever, but people generally aren’t that interested, unless it’s a bit left field.

A few Terribil users and we have a fan of silver drive cone speakers but they definitely aren’t MA ( I can’t recall the make)
I swap between different models of Rehdeko
Good luck with your search for a pair of studio 20s :+1: