What albums have you bought lately?

Such a good album


Jake Xerxes Fussell’s “When I’m Called” originally bought on CD but now purchased on LP as well.

Superficially very simple but a wonderful example of art concealing art.

I’m particularly keen on the opening track of Out of Sight - delightfully mad lyrics.

Kevin morby_singing saw

Spendy. Mine was closer to 2 than 1.

Fuck it, I wanted to buy a cassette as a gift for a friend who has recently bought a very natty little modern deck.

I rate this album as one of my favourites of the last few years and it’s very British IMO, but sold out so I’ll bite my tongue and pay the eBay gouger’s price.



Just gave it a listen
You’re not wrong.



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You’ve just given me a thought


Although I doubt that I would dare to listen to that on anything other than headphones :laughing:

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It’s kinda sweet that after all of the years together, the missus now gets Dylan.
A complete unknown, made that connection

Oops wrong thread apologies this was bought in 1986 aged 14

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Never listened to a Dylan album.
Maybe I should watch the film.

Shut the shut the shut the fuck up!
Seriously? You can’t be.


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Don’t worry Stu, you’ve not missed an awful lot.

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Fckin ell. Cunt changed my life!

TBF I only own one album and a Best of… CD.
Sorry @pmac, but he only gets dragged out late at certain parties.
Whereas I listen to Hurricane solo. Regularly :+1:

Never apologise for poor taste, it’s a sign of weakness.