What I'm watching (Part 1)


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Tonight’s feature presentation.

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Is that included with a Disney sub?

No, blu-ray.

Lovecraft Country…:thinking:

The blind side, with Sandra bullock looking :heart_eyes:

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Bladerunner with my eldest.
We watched 2049 a while ago, glad to say she preferred the original, commenting on how the visual bleakness of the first made it more brutal and realistic.
She makes me feel proud.


I realise I’m in a minority of one here but I thought 2049 was a load bollocks.


I know it’s well thought of but it is not great imo.
My daughter thought the non CGI scenery and effects on the original were stunning and made the later CGI 2049 look crap.

It’s a reflection of a lot of modern films for me - spend a fortune on special effects and two bob on a story. The original was at least based on a great story and they expanded on it from there.

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Some CGI is awful. Amazing the effects in something like 2001 a Space Odyssey still stand up. I have been lucky to see a 70mm print and its one of my best cinema experiences.

Of course there is a link to John Michell of Michel Turntables who built some of the models.


Personally, I don’t think it was, but it had a massively great cult movie, with decades of fanboi worship to follow on from, so I can get the less than enthusiastic response. Maybe if it hadn’t taken so long to produce a sequel, it would have had a bit of halo effect from the original.

The only thing I hated was the Peugeot vehicle sponsorship, otherwise, it was a good follow up, I like it a lot.

I think the problem is more that I’m getting old and grumpy and everything fucking annoys me these days :grinning:


The cinematography was great but the casting was shite, despite that I thought it was a good film.

I thought Gosling, assuming that’s who you’re referring to, was good, he was a biological machine, killing his own kind, having to deal with day to day racism in a necessarily stoical fashion, repressing his emotions in public because he was a de facto second class citizen and having to rely on an AI relationship, which was a low rent version of the Deckard/Rachael thing. He pretty much nailed it I think.


Gosling’s a shit actor but that role worked for him, It was Jarad Leto that was awful, he hammed it up and completely overplayed the role.

Hmm, ok I can get that, but hammed up baddies with disabilities/enhanced other abilities aren’t exactly a rarity in Sci Fi, unfortunately, so I’m a bit accustomed to it.

I can enjoy most things. What movie isn’t flawed in some way.

Given the opportunity I’ll even go to the cinema to see mediocre pap.

Rambo: First Blood tonight I think.

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Saw the most recent Rambo film the other week.
My god it is violent!!

My favourite is Rambo 3 … “dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan” who they ended up conducting the ‘War on Terror’ against just a few years later.

I think the end credits even include Inshalla (probably because it sounded heroic & exotic at the time)