Excellent, I’m now expecting copious kit off moments and a decent car chase.
I should have added frustration due to lack of kit off moments. It comes to something when a man has to use the pause button and his imagination. Effort really is a vulgar thing, we wouldn’t have put up with it in the Raj.
Still not seen it
Should think it’s on YouTube by now - definitely worth it.
Yes,it’s for sale on there. Will give it a watch sometime
Very much worth it. He died a few days ago, a timely view
Why? What is the conflict about?
Long story. Most of the research and hype around Dreamin’ wild was done ten+ years prior on a forum. The reissue Co’s ‘discovery’ was actually from this particular forum as opposed to an Indiana Jones type gold strike that’s being suggested. A spicy capitalism enema for some. Personally I think the LP has it’s moments.
I can see a film in thirty years time about the broken dreams of a forum
On the back of Sugarman there are literally thousands of examples of musicians faded dreams come good (Re issues / film profitable film syncs etc). Not sure the same applies to hifi forums? Perhaps it’s inverse? Maybe a documentary on midlife crisis, dissatisfaction & OCD?
It’ll be a blockbuster
I was just referring to the forum you mentioned who i guess are feeling agreived they didn’t get a mention from the film producers re Dreamin Wild.
However, the idea of a film, or maybe a Louis Theroux style doc about the trials and tribulations of hifi and fora is strangely exciting.
Hahah, Louis Theroux / Clouseau / Columbo would all make sound investigators. Perhaps Jessica Fletcher clutching her pearls every two seconds in appalled fear would be entertaining?
Not sure about that, but forums everywhere - like their aging, 99%-male participants - are fading back into the obscurity and irrelevance from whence they came. The internet is becoming ever more commoditised and interaction is declining - the fiddliness of 'phones means most people have shifted to 100% consumption, rather than contribution. Even poking a “Like” button is too much effort now…
Along with message-boards and imageboards, they were the frontier towns of the internet’s wild west, so I guess one day, when they are but a memory, there really will be a story to be told…
The bunkhouse scenes, whether it be in a SW valley all but unreachable by phone or in a W Yorks dale, might need some sanitising if you’re thinking of this ever going on general release.
hahaha snake catching husband and wife who completely ignore each other when catching dangerous snakes.
Can’t seeing this lasting many series for dead reasons
As per the bunkhouses themselves!
/pedant on
N Yorks
/pedant off
Yeah, that too. Should have been W with a small w I guess .