Wiltshire Farm Foods?

She has a trolley table thingy that she uses. If they can plonk the meals on that at the front door she’ll be able to wheel them into the kitchen and put them away herself.

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Well, that went surprisingly well. She’s very open to the idea, I think the difficulties of this situation are coming home to her and she’s starting to be more pragmatic.

I managed to do a decent shop for her today so she won’t need anything for a good week or so, but I’ll order her a few meals after that to see if she likes them.

What a bloody relief.


Glad things are coming together Rob, nothing worse than feeling responsible for situations you have so little control over. I’ve found some John Smith’s and Thwaites Mild in the shed, shame we have a lockdown, I’d have gladly shared a pint with you , will just have to sup them myself. :grin:

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It’s just nice knowing there’s a safety net in place.

Enjoy your beer John. When this is all over we can have a pint or 4 in the Unicorn, or maybe the Ball for old times sake…

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