Wtd: Adequate SP-10 MkII plinth

I’ve just acquired Waynes SP-10 but it doesn’t have a plinth, so does anybody have an adequate one knocking around that they would like to sell me ?

In the short - mid term I’ll be using my OL Silver arm, so a Rega mount arm board would be dead useful.

Thanks in advance.

Anybody got anything they’d like to move on ?

Got an old desk at work I can cut a hole in if you want?

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Sorted now.

Fanks etc.

Wot you got Mike?

An old desk with a hole in it.



Getting a Panzerholtz plinth made up mate.


Panzerholz is so last night.

Richlite is where it’s at: https://www.surfacematter.co.uk/materials/richlite

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