WTD - Festive starter turntable - £300 budget

Bit of a longshot, my friend’s just set me the challenge of finding a starter turntable (and tonearm and cart) for £300 for a surprise Xmas present to get another friend into hifi… I’m loaning amp and speakers to get them up and running

Something simple and reliable
Ideally something that’ll be easy to sell on if it doesn’t work out for them (though I know it will and it’ll be lovely to see a friend fall into the deep abyss of hifi as I have)
They’re in Glastonbury, I’m in MK, so something close to either of those would be ideal… Posting a TT would be a last resort

Please let me know if you’ve got anything suitable under a pile of stuff you’ve forgotten you own!


They could buy a brand new turntable complete with arm and cartridge for £300. Rega’s Planar 1 retails at £299.

I am sure Ed will be along soon with a plethora of recommendations.


This is true! I’ve just discovered the Planar 1 Eco for £200 which is a solid back up plan


I’ve got a nice Technics SL-1700, need to check cartridge but it’ll be an MM.


This :point_up_2:t2:. It’s bulletproof, sounds more than alright, has a reasonable phono built in and, if they do get the bug, has a remarkable amount of stretch to it.


I’d suggest, given it comes with a brand new cartridge, that it’s probably your best plan full stop

Bought my dad one for his 70th 4 years ago. Just goes along a treat and no cheap belt-drive iffiness.


Thanks for the suggestions, an old turntable was requested so ended up finding an AR Legends, which hoping they’ll be happ with

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