Xmas Cockpunches

Probably not seasonal,but can’t you go and brick the shop window from where you bought it?


It’s useful for Croissants but yep not on bread

I didn’t buy it. It was left in a wicker tray full of other artisanal goodies (Mince pies, walnut loaf, cookies etc) in the place we’re staying in.

I’m more inclined to use the other c word :grinning:


If the mince pies are dodgy,i’d suggest going full on dirty protest when you leave.

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How’s your blood pressure then? :wink:

Was having a great day until…struck down by Man Flu !!!

I had a tickly throat first thing but was feeling OK. Then about 7pm…WALLOP !

I’ll still have to go into work tomorrow. Fuck Christmas !!!

wish you better, hope it wasn’t the man flu I had that lasted 3 weeks


too much food - no room for pudding

Have a turkey and Bread sauce sandwich, nice :grinning:

Careful with the man flu. Remember it is 2016…

I am neither a celeb nor popular. I think I’m safe :thinking:

Excellent points. I was going to update my 2017 list but clearly needn’t bother now.


I have spent 4 hours on the M1 today.

That’s bad.

I spent 3 hours in the Black Swan, Jackfield in Ironbridge.

Doombar was involved.

That was good.

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When I tried to drive up the M1 a couple of weeks ago I failed completely. It had been closed. The time before that, in November, we were seriously delayed and on the point of leaving it when the traffic finally started to move. All it takes is one nutter or one incompetent to create mayhem.


It would be nice, occasionally, if there was somebody working at the 20 miles of roadworks between J19 and 15a. Why bother I guess, they don’t on the M6 between J18 and 16.

Someone’s dad works on there or so the sign used to say