Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

They made a rod for their own back though didn’t they, when they organised that letter (from 1k barristers/lawyers) to Cameron - they should have thought this might happen.

The entire thing is starting to unwind massively and the cunts have no idea of the clusterfuck they have created. The red-tops have had to wind their necks in massively, because they were on the verge of contempt of court. Half the UK population of near zero IQ is now in a state of near riot thanks to being wound up by the Mail and the rest of the cunts, and we are all fucked as a result.

Oh, and those who changed my user name et al. Fuck you as well. I can’t log in with my original user name, so it’s a little difficult. Bollocks, basically.


I look forward to legal action being taken against them. The judges might just know someone eager to take the case. :slight_smile:

Nobody sensible is going to take them on. However, the fact that they have had to massively reel in their bile about the judges who made the only decision they sensibly could is very telling. The law is the law and they have come close to encitement. The entire thing, as I have posted everywhere, is turning into a clusterfuck of massive proportions.Basically, when you let the hounds of hell out of their cage, you’d better be ready for the consequences. It’s all going to hell.

None of it makes a shite bit of difference, just means parliament will trigger article 50. Storm in a fucking tea cup. Government got it’s knuckles rapped, that’s all.

The SNP a few wet Tories, Labour and Lib MPs will oppose whatever legislation is bought forward, the vast majority will support it. Nothing that is put before parliament will tie the negotiating hands of the Government.

The only joy in all of this is winding up thick Brexit types, but even that wears thin.


Sadly, when they’re wound up some of them can be inclined to lash out. That can be quite unfunny if you happen to have the wrong accent and meet them on the way home from the pub.


The arseholes in this article need a particularly hefty kick in the knackers…

My flabber has been well gasted this week by the painters who are doing the outside of the houses.

Exhibit A,not being able to get access to the front door,they decided to paint as much as they could.

Exhibit B,they thought it would be ok to leave most of the pyramid stage in our back garden for the weekend.

Exhibit C,pretty sure all the leaves covering our backlawn is down to the painters.

Nope. Lost the moral high ground.

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Sports Direct (again)

They had a meeting on site at a Sports Direct premesis, the owner of the site has every right to do this without notice. You may not like it, but it’s not breaking the law.

Words fail me

I feel your loss

I need our resident Toblerone expert’s opinion, before I comment :slight_smile:

Argh! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


If you like I could eat the middle bits for you to get it back to normal…

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If Nicola Sturgeon put as much effort into running her NHS as she does into trying to leave the UK. It might not be one of the worst performing services in the country…


Bosses who’s stock answer to everything is ‘can you move that forward a month?’, FFS being a Managing Director is more than this statement.:frowning:

From now on every deadline will have 2 months added and then I can delight you with ‘yes, I may be able to squeeze a month off’ and then deliver a month early. Or alternatively just fucking believe my figures.

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If she is involved it would only get worse.