1st SOUTH WEST Weekender

I don’t suppose anyone who is attending could pick up a pair of Frugelhorns from MJ in Leighton Buzzard an bring them down to the bake-off for me? They are about 36" x 7"x 17" deep.

Crikey, this is SoonTM!

In the spirit of AA details and actual planning will be left till the last minute and backfire magnificently as is our way. .


Shame. I came through Milton Keynes just 10 days ago and might have diverted for them. Unfortunately I don’t have plans to go east again before Lopwell. But if there was any way of getting them from Leighton Buzzard to me here (Didcot) then I’d happily do the long leg of the journey from here to Devon with them.


OK Grame thanks.

I imagine that @coco or I could pick them up and they could be reside at mine. Then as long as @Jim has room in his car, we could bring them.

OK Adam thanks.

Not sure if they’ll fit is the honest answer. The floor of the boot in my beemer is 35" x 30", so they won’t lay flat side-by-side in there, but it does have a three section folding rear seat. We might be able to get one in the boot with one seat folded down, and the other standing in the rear footwell on the same side.

It will be tight, but if @AmDismal and @Wayward don’t bring too much luggage, the horns may just fit in. Willing to give it a go, if you can get them to Adam’s :+1:

If you were travelling early then I’d say drop in here on your way, or meet me at M4 J13, and transfer the speakers and/or a passenger to my car. However I will need to be in Exmouth in the second half of the morning as I’m meeting an old mate there for lunch. So I’ll have to leave M4 J13 before 09:00 and I’m guessing that will be too early for you.


If this doesn’t happen life will be all the duller

Essential equipment

Leave enough room for sleeping bags, nighties etc

I will have to start engaging with this soon. Too much other crap to do first. Next week I hope.

Just booked Friday and Monday off.

I haven’t :sunglasses:

Theresa May will sort you out.

They could actually cost me a lot of my income, it’s true

Will start next week on my diet of baked beans, egg curry and sprouts.

Jerusalem Artichokes is what you want.

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I bought some scones,jam and clotted cream for the bake off.

Sadly i’ve eaten them already though.