1st SOUTH WEST Weekender

Well that was a bad move,told family I’d been there on way home,and they wanted to go

Wave goodbye to the grass :smile:


Can someone wind me a transformer please? Output for 211!

Absolutely not. I’m taking a rolling pin to make foil for silver caps :zipper_mouth:

Oooooooh, a foo-filled upgrade for my tin foil hat. I shall commission a silver cap from you so I can feel extremely Cheshire when I have a squizz at the nutbox that is the Hi Fi Subjectivist Forum.

:man_with_turban: ← one like this please, but more shiny and less turbany…

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So you have managed to do literally everything in the world that is vaguely worth doing, in order to have time to do that?

Actually I was typing in hi fi shark into my iPad and HFS came up as a possible plac to go.

I’ll need more than a tin foil cap before I go back there though. It is far too odd for my simple brain to cope with.

They can’t be all that bad over there, they really fucking hate me :smile:


STOP polluting this thread with internetmanure

You’re feeding their raison d’etre :angry:


Any idea what is underground at the back of the barn?

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S&M Dungeon afaik.

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Apparently it’s a surprise and we only get to find out at 1am on Saturday night.

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That’s the gas proof blast bunker - in case I have too much curry :laughing:



Define ‘too much’.

Bigger serving than his head.


Clearly students from the ‘Benny Hill School of Dance’