General election 8th June

Libdem landslide shock :open_mouth:

Iā€™m voting for Andy Burnham in the up coming Greater Manchester Mayoral elections, because the other candidates are wholly unconvincing, especially the Green party candidate, who couldnā€™t put a point over with a 10 ft sword, plus I really admire his support for the Hillsborough campaign.

In the General election, I am voting LibDem, itā€™s a futile protest vote as Lisa Nandy (whoā€™s actually an excellent constituency MP) has a massive majority, but I cannot bring myself to votefor a government led by Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott.

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Do you think that Orkney and Shetland will re-elect the blatant liar?

Hopefully, yes.

Iā€™d rather vote for Charles Manson than Sturgeon.

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ā€œI mis-spokeā€ā€¦FFS !!! :rolling_eyes:

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Iā€™m so disgusted by whatā€™s going on at the moment, I may well end up coming to the conclusion that spoiling my ballot is the way forward.

Mate, the only time I lean left is in my pants.


Youā€™re not going to leave your DNA on it are you?


Dennis Skinner for PM, release the beast. :grin:


Will he be representing West Devon?

Of courseā€¦The man doesnā€™t know it ifs Christmas or Easter an eighth of the time. I showed him West Devon on the map and he asked ā€œhow large the coconuts grow thereā€. If the country is to be fucked, it should be fucked by him, he will get the job done with enough spare to give himself a 3 day week.





So now more than ever we need to be led by a prime minister and a government that is strong and stable.

Because making this a success is central to our national interest. And it is central to your own security and prosperity.

Because while there is enormous opportunity for Airstrip 1 as we leave Oceania, if we do not get this right, the consequences will be serious.

And they will be felt by ordinary, working people across the country.

This negotiation is central to everything.
If we donā€™t get the negotiation right, your economic security and prosperity will be put at risk and the opportunities you seek for your families will simply not happen.

If we do not stand up and get this negotiation right we risk the secure and well-paid jobs we want for our children and our childrenā€™s children too.

If we donā€™t get the negotiation right, if we let the bureaucrats of Oceania run over us, we will lose the chance to build a fairer society with real opportunity for all.

The choice the country faces now is very simple. Because there are only two people who can possibly be Prime Minister after the 8th of June to negotiate Exit.

It is a choice between me and the Chaos Coalition.

With me you will get strong and stable leadership, and an approach to Exit that locks in economic growth, jobs for our children and strong finances for the NHS and the countryā€™s schools.

With the Coalition of Chaos you will get disaster.

Vote for Strength & Stability.

Ministry of Truth 3/5/17


Just awful.


Ha, thatā€™s quality.

Cā€™mon, which of us hasnā€™t been there ?


Only in my worst nightmares.