Today I have mainly been

In the supermarket this morning I overheard a child say to its mother, “Mummy, I’m kind aren’t I?”

Clearly the little shit had already learnt how to fish for compliments despite being small enough to ride in the trolley.

My response was to get right in the child’s face and say, “Well that makes up for the rest of us being a right bunch of cunts, doesn’t it?”

Except I didn’t because the loin fruit’s Mummy would have called security. :frowning_face:




Last night we went to Rye Bonfire Pageant for the first time since we have lived down here. We have avoided it in the past because of its reputation for being a bit full on and thought the kids might actually be a bit overwhelmed. Anyway, it was fantastic. The fireworks were amazing of course but what excited me most was the spectacle of hundreds of people with burning torches marching through the ancient town to the sound of heavy drums and fire crackers. The bonfire at the end of it was absolutely huge, we were at least 70 yards away from it and were hot, It was awesome. I’d really like to go to the one in Lewes at some point…


Lewes has begun to calm down a bit, but it’s still bordering on mayhem.

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Not mine - mine would call me a cunt via electronic device. :speech_balloon:


Went to church.

Nicking lead again?


That’s an hour you won’t get back.


There’s a new forest just north of St Albans - it’s the first forest planted for years or something. It’s about as old as my kids now, so fun to see how it changes from year to year.

To complement our walk, we visited a new café nearby, which had rather epic scones. It has been an afternoon of win.

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Was a couple of hours.The singing bits were a bit rubbish. And I’m not so sure about this praising God and Jesus malarkey. But we went to the pub afterwards, which was alright.

Is your new GF a bit of a god-botherer then? :grimacing:


Scraping up an old lino floor, not much fun

Driving through Churchill today passed a fuck load of middle class phoney God botherers filing into church, cars parked all over the country lane so I had to slow down. Much to my daughters embarrassment I wound the window down and said to a group of them ‘He doesn’t really exist you know, it’s just superstition to bring some meaning to your empty little lives’. Daughter who agrees but is far more tolerant is utterly mortified. Sometimes being a parent is fucking great :+1:


It is remembrance sunday, I guess a significant proportion of today’s congregation are there to remember the dead rather than worship an ancient supernatural being that controls the universe.


That seems a little bit sad to me.
Just went as it was a remeberance service and girlfiend was there with the cubs/scouts/brownies/beavers etc.
I like remeberance stuff


Could have been, but it’s like that every Sunday.

remembrance :+1:


I agree with @bmtell. God obviously moves in mysrerious ways…

Banns being read?

He will be in a minute…