Today I have mainly been

Got any HiFi to swap? :grinning:

20 minutes, I bet he could do it in 10, a tea towel would fit me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m not back to work until Sunday PM. So you can’t even interrupt a violent confrontation :innocent:

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Nothing that would improve your set up, I could come round and not tidy up your room though, should only take me a month or two :pray:

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Holiday or suspension?

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Lack of commissions, me thinks :confused:

Would also look good in a 'tard :+1: :grinning:

I worked through from Easter so have a couple of days to take in lieu!

We have builders in, so will be difficult to listen to music tomorrow… :angry:

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Fuck no, unless it’s brown and I can be stick man

Broke up two old pallets with my new tools - looking to make more recycled planters

You can make me some bespoke denim shorts if you get that bored,can give you some garden tips as payment

can you make me a tweed man bag

My garden’s a tip. I didn’t realise you could pay for stuff with them.


That’s a relief, I thought the tailors’ guild might have stripped you of your tape measure and sent you home for that god awful cape ensemble you were throwing together :laughing:

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**[quote=“SAP7, post:656, topic:1371, full:true”]
Training Alexa to work my Lifx lights.


You deserve everything that is coming your way…

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My light remote was done for. Now, when it’s a movie we can quickly turn off all but the back led strip lights.
Football, it’s a backlight green and low light.

Normal night soft and warm, dimmed white lights.

Working is clean white light.

Party it’s music sensitive.

Horny and it’s bright red. Right now it’s a lovely pinky purple. Just because.

…Bring it on.

Out with a bunch of other old retired gits on our weekly Thursday social walk. 10.5 miles today in the White Peak.


My light remote was done for. Now, when it’s a movie we can quickly turn off all but the back led strip lights.
Football, it’s a backlight green and low light.

Normal night soft and warm, dimmed white lights.

Working is clean white light.

Party it’s music sensitive.

Horny and it’s bright red. Right now it’s a lovely pinky purple. Just because.

…Bring it on.



Feel free to toss off over it!