Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

Yeah but in Cheshire the fencing will be gold plated whereas in Lincs it will be made of potato.


Yep, to be honest it was his whole stance on the thing that really pissed me off and not the traffic incident, the very fact that he went on the attack when it was clearly in any sane minded persons mind 100% his fault and he was lucky I had such quick reactions!

Oh well, survived another day…

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Tru dat.

Sadly for Mrs M Lincs doesn’t host much livestock and all those cabbages and caulis don’t need fencing in. So fencers will be fewish and farish between.


And that my dear is why I have a fence and you don’t.


You need some qwality fencing like this.


stick an electric fence across the paddock. a small(ish) solar panel will keep the battery charged, we have 8500 volts on a 3 strand fence of about 800 meters per strand. Solar panel keeps the battery charged, even in the winter. Quick zap from that should slow the nasty one down a tad

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Fuck yeah!


“Potato Fencing” has got to be a euphemism for something utterly fucking filthy…


Popty ping in Wales, I believe

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Every single service station on the M1 between Bradford and Leicester for not actually serving food. The closest approximation on offer was Harry Ramsden’s, for pity’s sake. Given that Tebay has existed for at least 20 years, is it too much to ask to have something edible at least once in a geographic region?

The North :scream::scream::wink:

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Lincolnshire, the land that fencing left behind


You don’t need to fence in Sugar Beet fields

It’s world-beating when it comes to bloody ditches though (says a walker who’s been forced more than once to exit a field over the same bridge by which he entered it :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:). For some reason in Lincs they’re known as dykes, which everywhere else are raised up not dug down, and in lots of places are nothing to do with earthworks at all …


I’m more used to the Somerset Levels where they call them Rhynes (reens).


Bain’t no need of it!
Oi loiks it boi!


Full programme is on at 10pm tonight ch 4

I’ve got more tree’s, fish, hedges, birds, hedgehogs, bees, bugs and dog shit in my garden than in that fucking desert.

Brings to mind Big Yellow Taxi.

I live with farmers on a day to day basis not industrial farming environmental destroyers.

There are a very large number of waterways, mostly man-made which, when I was a kid at least, had some fish in them (OK, technically eels are a fish). If there weren’t then the place would be a lot squishier. But I guess Fenland farming is the price we pay for having plentiful loaves at 50p each in Tesco’s and cheap veg in Lidl and Aldi.