Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

That’s a shame, perhaps you can have your stylist do something with permed back hair and a bit of a weave, or some kinda face-merkin?

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Apple can get to fuck ! AGAIN !

Company issued iPad was giving me grief by auto-switching to VPN. I changed the settings appropriately and everything was fine. On my way home last night, the iPad wouldn’t connect to teh internets. One thing that usually works is “switch it off - switch it on”.

I switch it off, then go to switch it back on and the start button was stuck. It will not budge. So I now have a fucked iPad. This is the 3rd in 7 months.

So much for the, so called, Apple reliability.

Fuck you Apple :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Apple is a meme. Consumerist trash at its finest. Nothing else.

Pic related - Apple fanbhois queueing for the latest “life”-validating shiny trinket…



A swinging Methuselah of Asda Prosecco to Jeremy Corbyn’s undermeat for using the Carillion disaster as a straw-man argument for nationalising everything that ever existed. The thick 70’s throw back twunt with actual shit for brains.


I’d love to know who in the public sector he thinks will be managing all these newly nationalised assets, we privatised those people years ago!


Exactly. And if that public sector body will also take on all the private sector work they do… Oh and what happens to the other FM/Building services companies like Interserve, Integral, JCi, JLL , Mitie, Norlands… will they too be nationalised? He has no idea what he’s talking about.

I worked in government infrastructure procurement - mostly PFI - for many years. I justified it to myself on the basis that it was the only way that schools and hospitals etc were getting built, but it was always so obviously inefficient.

You’d be surprised at how few people were actually costed in to provide the services - in many cases it was one person spread over a number of facilities. Apart from that it’s just a case of regular maintenance of boilers, painting and decorating and so on. Not really much to manage. As soon as there is anything complicated then it’s a contract change, and you can charge through the nose for that.

So schools could just take on a handyman part-time, and use existing staff to arrange the bigger jobs. Hospitals have plenty of admin people already, and space for more if needed. I never worked on prisons, but would have thought that they would be fine as well.

There was never that much money in the operations or facilities maintenance, the money was in the SPV - where the finance is. The SPV would typically make a 12-15% IRR, which for a long-term contract is actually obscene, especially where the risk is all passed down to the construction or operations entity. Nobody ever questioned this, probably because they never really understodd what an IRR really is. The problem with nationalising a PFI is that you have to pay out the expected profits. And they’re high.

The other money was in the debt, which made no sense either as it was cheaper for government to borrow itself (especially when the arrangement fees were included). Government should always have taken at least 50% of the debt. Unfortunately, paying off the debt comes with high fees as well, as you need to break the swap - you have to compensate the bank for its loss given that interest rates have come down!

So actually I think that most PFI-type contracts could be brought back in house with no major management issues, the main problem is that it would be fucking expensive.

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It’s that some kind of apology? :smile:

That made me lol.:ok_hand:

We could extract from 75% of PFIs tomorrow if they stopped paying Adam’s wages.


Not if the SPVs’ directors were hanging from lamp-posts it wouldn’t …



Local NHS trust can have one for messing Louise around…doc says have another MRI, trust says no she can’t until she has had an ultra-sound first. Doc says she must have an MRI…she feels like piggy in the middle

All this to try and get on to the waiting list for a hysterectomy…which when she asks the doc, the waiting time could be anything up to three years as her condition is not considered “urgent” and in effect the op is an elective op…

Looks like the shiny new private hospital over the road next to the Porsche garage beckons…

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The only SPV ever needed…

When Jan had hers I dropped her off at 10:00 Thursday and brought her home 13:00 Friday. Very short stay compared with what it used to be.

I had this with my late mum, her oncology consultant (who wanted a scan done) and the local radiology dept (who wanted to avoid doing it). In the end I established who had seniority (the oncology consultant, as it turned out) and got her to order the radiologists to get their fingers out.


Not wishing to prod the hornet’s nest, but my wife was in a very similar position.

It eventually dawned on me that I paid for her as well as myself on the company health policy. We phoned them up, they said “you’ve been waiting more than 3 months, we’ll sort it”, and she went in a few weeks later.

Do you have any similar cover?

If not, burn the money tree. Family health is more important than anything else. (I paid for my own treatment on the same ward a few years earlier)

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unfortunately no cover here. But the money tree burning is an option, but she wants to give the NHS a chance…anyway she is talking to them next week, and one way or another a decision can be made.

Hmmm, which hospital

Lister Stevenage which is a terrible hospital (she is also there for Opthalmology)