Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch

The extra wide Carlos Fandango wheels would get chipped on the 3" kerb.

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Doesn’t have the off road package.

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Did he get to keep the ÂŁ28K?

He’s spent it all. On beer and fags and stuff. Nothing left of it.

There will be a compensation order, but if he has nothing, it will only help if he gets a windfall.

So, 9 months = 4 1/2 months in chokey, plus the same amount of time of “supervision” for £28k of kids money spunked away.

What a twat.

Hopefully, next time there’s a gale, a tree will drop on him :smirk:


That’s what gets me: it’s such a tiny amount.

The policewoman today said that she thought the school and PTA were at fault for not having sufficient controls, but I find that quite offensive. Firstly victim blaming is never a good look. Secondly all small charities have this problem - you can never get enough people to help out. Thirdly, and most importantly, who would actually steal an amount of money (from children!) that is tiny, but you’ll go to prison for sure. Who would do that?


Fox News…Utter cunts

That’s a given Stu.

Any particular reason?

They were just slagging off acts that pulled out of Trumps concert,then having a dig at obama for releasing people from guantanamo.

I knew it was heavily biased,but they are taking the piss.

Yeah, they’re utter cunts.

Is there anyone playing the concert that anyone outside of the redneck belt has heard of?


A couple of triumphant America is great songs followed by the usual U-S-A from the crowd.

At least these artist won’t need to travel much in the states for future gigs,guessing most will be in the deep south.

If your into self harm,you can watch it here;

My tablet has good taste and won’t let me defile it with lollatrumpooza…

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Piers fucking Morgan, and the Ayn Rand channelling Laura Perrins sat next but one to him on Question Time. Oh, and Chris “hard of thinking” Grayling.


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I rarely watch Question Time any longer. There seems to be an utter spunkflute on each week whose purpose is to irritate rather than inform. There is no point asking questions of these folks as the answers they provide are anything but informative. The whole concept of Question Time has been rendered null and void for at least the last five years.


The House Of Commons is full of spunkflutes, cumtrumpets and jizzjazzers of all political persuasions.

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I shouldn’t watch it. I get very cross indeed, and Dimbo isn’t a patch on Robin Day, he controlled the cumbubble brained spunkflutes far more effectively.

Now I’m going to get cross at This Week. Quentin Letts is on it so something might get thrown at the telly, which at least might provide an opportunity for an upgrade…

Yeah bunch of twats on as usual, where the fuck was Laura Perrins though :thinking: She wasn’t on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She was in fact replaced by Alan Carmichael, it was an American woman called Lionel Shriver I was on about, so cockpunch to me for relying on the programme guide for telling me who the panellists were, and making an assumption about gender, instead of listening to the actual introduction… And also to my 6th form English lit teacher, who was Irish, but had an accent that sounded like it was from Connecticut leading me, 30 years later, to etc etc…:blush:

She still had the Ayn Rand thing going on though.