Money sent via PayPal


Nicely played gentlemen


It was great to meet @BoogerBenson yesterday when he came to pick these up.

Hopefully an easy journey home without being attached by many kilos of plywood



Ortofon APJ-1 APJ1 for SPU A AE Type Headshell Shell Adaptor / 6.4g
Might come in handy for anyone thinking of going for one of these

Or any other ‘A’ fit SPU

The adapter goes on eBay £60+ shipping from JPN So £30 + £3 post direct to the forums soiled back pocket.


Siltech solid silver speaker terminal bridges.

£30 posted.


The sort of thing that if you throw them away, you know somebody will be looking for -

So, couple of remotes as below

Also an immaculate condition original Lenco GL-75 Instruction Manual

If you want any of these, just put a couple of quid in the meter.

£30 to AA funding, posted. Embrace faff.


I’m a bit concerned that you keep the box for that kind of thing.

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I’ll take it.

The box is tremendous. @edd9000 knows.

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Turntable hat, made for me by a mate. Marine grade brass and stainless. The brass bit is very slightly off centre from the steel, so it’s very slightly interesting to look at when it’s spinning, if you’re into staring at your TT instead of listening to the music, but makes no difference to the sound, as far as my cloth ears can tell.

Only 3/4 of a kilo too, so absolutely no danger of grinding your thrust bearing down by many microns per play at all, honestly.

£15 to Jon, posted in the U.K

Outside UK, I might have to recover the postage.

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I’ve been tidying up a bit and found a Clearaudio Clever Clamp type thing branded as Souther. These are £25 delivered from your favourite online purveyors of foo. I have no idea where mine came from but it is yours, delivered in the UK, for a £10 donation to Jon/the AA.

I’d like to take that Olan :+1:

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No problem Alan. Please send me your postal details via PM and I’ll get it in the mail tomorrow morning if I can find time.

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Donation sent Olan :+1:


2 x 2gb DDR Ram 1067mhz for Mac

Taken out of late 2009 iMac, but will fit up to '11. MacBook pro’s too.

I’ll post it in the Uk for a donation to the cause.

Good condition and works fine but needs a new battery as the one I had is flat as a pancake. Also has an 8gb memory card which I’ll leave in the camera. The bag is a bit of a tight fit but that’s no a bad thing.

Still have instruction booklet which is a shock :grinning:

Still a great camera - a couple of examples of how good it is

£40 donation to the AA fund and free postage.

I’ll leave posting until after New Year to be on the safe side.


For introducing Paul to Bulb energy I collected £50. This money has just been transferred to the AA fund. Many thanks @pmac

If anyone else wants to change energy providers using the link is below - I will transfer all £50 introduction cash to AA forum fund


And today was the changeover date to Bulb and the kettle is still working, so all is good :+1: