in case anyone is interested:


Wife would love to try that.
Something about tofu and how you can cook veggie stuff.

Iā€™ll drop a pm if itā€™s still available.

it is yours - I dunno about tofu as only weirdos eat that, but it is brilliant for veg, as you dont use any water.

We have been sous-viding roasties instead of par-boiling before roasting, and they have been brilliant. Just need to plan ahead a little more. Prepping the spuds now takes about an 1hour and 15 mins. 15 for the waterbath to heat up and then about an hour for the spudsā€¦


Itā€™s the boiling veggie stuff without making it taste like water that she was trying to explain.
Iā€™m not a veggie so I wasnā€™t exactly listening!


Any interest in these water stones

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Mine are getting well worn (almost knackered) so if I may, Iā€™ll take them please

sorry Paul @pmac someone else was quicker replying

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now gone

Ok, no worries, Simon.


Found in the move sort out , never used
Postage to the toot

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No, you phono.

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go on then Guy


Sorry, it was a weak attempt to follow up on the

No, you phono.
UF off

rather than me giving something away.

10/10 lightning vulture points tho




oh yes i see nowā€¦

too slow magraw on the draw

Need to keep your shit sharp? You could get this half working boxed bastard for a small donationā€¦ Available here is the two wheel version (course and fine) The fine wheel is broken and replacements can be had for Ā£20ish

Ok for Global et al - easy to use - excellent for street knives, ninja stars, ā€˜probesā€™ & whatnot.


16GB (2x8GB) of DDR4 PC3000 memory, for when Roon release a new upgrade and you need to double your memory.

This is desktop memory and wonā€™t fit in laptops.

Ā£35 to AA and Iā€™ll cover postage.

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