If it fits my lads pc can I have that please?
Wrong sort apparently… so I shall pass
No worries.
What do you need- 1 have some old stuff somewhere.
Apparently he needs a new motherboard
I will take it.
PM payment details.
No payment to me required! Just pop some money in the AA coffers.
Money sent.
Right I am not getting on with this at all, and it is taking up valuable bottle space. Neither of my neighbours like it either.
I think I can pack it safely for posting…
How about £10 donation to the forum plus postage?
Go on then. I’ll pm address.
I recently bought this Pro-ject Phonobox SEII off @Rob998 to try and march my Nag carts. Well, unfortunately, it didn’t do the job.
The Phonobox DS I bought at the same time is more adjustable and has pretty much sorted the Nags and also allows me to use my Hana SL, so off the SE trots.
I paid a ton for the SE, but I had a decent result from the Bazaar recently (thanks @Gyroscope) so, to give something back, am offering this up, for £50 in the meter.
Yes please
PM your address please Wayne
Ha ha! Glad you bought it Wayne.I was seriously considering buying it back for that!
Nephew will be chuffed with this, he’s been keen to try out an outboard phono and also play with different cartridges etc.
£50 put into the meter.
Bravo gentlemen - More of this please - As my Nan would say “Hide the pain, smile and get the fuckin’ job done”
£13.00 sent to the fund. Thanks Simon @anon14766838 for the Whiskey.