AAAC 8th October Billie Eilish - When we all fall asleep, where do we go?

It’s fun to hurl rocks, even if you live in a Palm House of musical taste. It’s Even Moar fun when Terry decides to try and head the rocks, and broken glass, back.

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I never said popularity was a measure of quality, but you then did. I just said it was popular (technically very, very, very popular). You hinted pretty strongly that she needed to get a singer in. I took that to mean you were claiming that she isn’t a good enough singer. I’m happy, more than happy in fact, to hear your opinion. But just saying ‘it’s shite’ isn’t bringing much to the table.


Other than providing the obvious opportunity to troll @MGOwner mercilessly I couldn’t give a feck about what other like really. The WAYLTRN thread is a useful thing though.

He is right about how poor an LP this is. Duff is being impolite to the dullest of pap.


He’s just right about how poor an LP he thinks this is.



I guess you haven’t really grasped the feel of AAAC.

You’re misquoting me Graeme. However, it’s a pretty good description.

The WAYLTRN is indeed an excellent source of new-to-me music. Some of it I even like.

Nope (again). These are quotation marks " ". These are inverted commas ’ '.


It’s amazing, if I had to actually buy the physical product of everything I like that I’ve been introduced to on that thread I’d be in debtors gaol. Thank fuck for Spotify and Soundcloud etc.

It has cost me a few quid.

It costs me me money on a regular basis. As do bake offs. I just have to be more selective than some other meat men that’s all (not a moan, just my reality at the moment).

Like it or loath it, at least it’s generated a conversation, which hasn’t happened to an AAAC selection for a couple of years. Yay!!


This is true.

WAYLTRN is shit and Billie Ellish is fab, or is that…

loathe is the word @Jim. Loath means reluctant. A handful of us haven’t been loath to loathe your nomination…:grin:

I was going to say something similar to your point though. It has taken a bit of a marmite LP to get some debate/mud slinging/hate going. I’m just surprised it was this one as it is much better than other nominations (such as Alice Cooper for example :upside_down_face:) which were relatively quiet.

I am, however, very upset by the fact your nomination forced me into the unsavoury position of being in agreement with your Antipodean doppelgänger.



But, apparently, I didn’t bring much to the table :thinking:

It’s not the quantity of what you brought bruv, it’s the quality that counts. :wink:

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But, but, Bruv :face_with_head_bandage:

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I should be more selective but my ears are slags.