Abattoir Alehouse

Ah well, we can all vent off

As long as I remember, I’ll be there!

Ah, there you are

Great to catch up again, although the ethos isn’t quite what it was ! Cheers chaps :beers:

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Enjoy your ban.

The discussion about Parcel Force shipping insurance, last night, they will cover up to £2,500, but at a very dear cost!
£1.80 including VAT for the first extra £100 cover and £4.50 including VAT for every subsequent £100
Best to use Online Parcel Insurance from £1.5 | Secursus.
Someone else found this.

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Interesting I had not heard of them. Plenty of reassuring reviews here

I posted this a while ago.
I thought Mark had pinned the post in the classifieds but it seems to have disappeared
I had an expensive watch sent to me insured by Secursus, it was pretty straightforward

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Just remembered/found who Axis_of_Evil was (prob. before Jon nuked the forum. Alan Sircom.


I wondered if he was on here.

I miss Muddy Funster.

All of the hifi journalists I’ve met seem to be interesting, erudite and entertaining. I simply cannot understand how they ended up in their career.

Probably because its you that find them interesting, erduite and entertaining? :wink: :kissing:

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Maybe the only escape is to become DG of the BBC for a couple of months. The rest cannot break free.

Too much Hifi chat for my liking, 3/10. :joy:


Wish I’d joined instead of watching the top reds mangle another game of football.


I did both, the Alehouse was much better entertainment.

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Just go through the whole back history of this Twitter account to rediscover your love of the game

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thats one of my fav twitter accounts :+1:

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Anyone for beer and bullshit?

Chris will be showing off his speakers.
