Tamron 80-210mm film lens is the only zoom lens I have so forcing me to improve manual focusing skills - lot’s of blurry captures but I was happy enough with squirrel sharpness here
Gets better the more you zoom in!
Surely that’s a taxidermist bird in your front room
Wow !
Lens envy.
Wow, the second and fourth are stunning. Sensational, natural colour and tone.
Cheers - I am trying to simplify no 2 a little but my skill on Photographic adjustments is quite low.
I’m about as far from an expert as you could ever hope to meet but to my untrained eye, removing the furthest groyne would simplify things , perhaps, maybe, stop talking crap.
Yep agree. It’s a bodge with the sea going up hill .
I need to go there again on a sunny morning -Tis a very short walk
Best stick to birds - it looks more like the dried seed heads of wild carrot, an umbelliferan at any rate…
Some big frozen puddles (first pic for for perspective) that close-up looked to me like rivers running through wetlands and snow-covered forests