Albums you should love but hate and other petty music hates

I really don’t get Queen, sounds like football chants written by posh wankers


Yehbut fire, higher and desire, that’s all-time top ten material right there :fire:

A B52 BABY way up in the sky, how can you not like that right?


Uhh, “BAYBEY-YEHUH” is an accepted response to almost any question in my household.

Did I mention that I am a wolfchild? BAYBEY-YEHUH.


My God!

I’ll try again tomorrow :grimacing:

WYWH is a very good album. The others can fuck off.

Animals, love it.

I can basically get lost listening to Pink Floyd.


If you don’t like them why bother ?


Yeah, don’t listen to me.

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Led Zeppelin - great if you like someone screaming baby baby baaaaabbbyy and creaming themselves on stage. Pish

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Bob Dylan. Great if you wanna fall asleep or something
Hendrix, can’t sing for shit, pretentious guitar wank
95% of the 700 albums the stones made

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Any female accoustic guitar strumming singer songwriter, I’d rather never listen to music again

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The gorillaz.


I hope albarn eventually crawls up his own arse and disappears


Fuckin’ 'ell you’re on a roll! :rofl:

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Amen to that.

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That is one of the best lines I’ve read on here in a while.
And also an apt summary of why it was a commercial failure at the time.

@Griffo - that OP was excellent, belongs on a Real forum :+1:

Anyway, never mind albums, there are two entire “Super-bands”, stuff of legends, that I have tried and failed to embrace:

Led Zeppelin: I actually cannot tell you one single good reason why I don’t “get” or like them. I even like bands who have been heavily influenced by them. I like some of their songs, too; but then - so many more are actually really forgettable.

A wodge of it is down to all the bullshit around their breakup - all the whiny fanbhoys, all the self-important wank spouted by ex band-members “Ooooh, I’m too special and pwecious a pwincess ever to reform a band loved by millions, I’m an ARTIST you know, oooooweeeeee…

Cunts! Just play some gigs you utter mouth-sturbating wankers - you’re just fucking musicians, Da Vinci was an upmarket interior-decorator, get the fuck over it.
Horse has bolted long since, of course, and I no longer have the time or energy to care.

The Beatles: I’ll be the first to admit they made some fucking amazing music; music that I really like in some cases, music that used to hit me hard in the Feels, music that transported me back to my childhood…

There is also no getting-away from the fact John Lennon was a cunt of the first water. A talented cunt, no question. But my god WHAT a cunt. Exhibit A: Yoko Ono. No further evidence required.

Paul McCartney: cunt. If you need me to explain that one to you - ring the bell for nursey: it’s time for your medication. The other two? Filler. Nobody even gives the tiniest picoshit about them unless you were a 13YO girl in 1966 and had enough self-awareness to realise you were too ugly for the other two. Get to fuck.

Also, there’s that back-catalogue. There’s rather a lot of it, and I just can’t be arsed to try to learn to like the dross on every album, never mind the gigantic volumes of gibbering hyperwank surrounding mono vs stereo; which mixes, which edits, which pressings, which market, which label, all the fucking outtakes, unreleased, demos, the giant teetering mounds of Special Editions, box-sets (fuck I hate box sets). Ugh! Just No.

I hold my hands up - I am not trying to be wilfully or perversely iconoclastic, the failing is - really - mine, and I cannot bring Reason to bear on this; it just am.

tl;dr - Led Zep & Beatles: GTFO


No doubt, but what personality can live up to their respective talents and trajectory? To go from mop topped 'Love me do" (5 October 1962,) to Tomorrow never knows (1966, cunning minds will note 4 years)
is an artistic, cultural and recording leap that would warp most men (Ad drugs = all men) = They get a pass.




Nothing more to add other than they were shite