If you could, I’d be delighted. I will need a pair soon. Cheers
PM sent
Seems there are mixed views on AliExpress hereabouts which is fair, and exactly why I posed the question, but your response puzzles me. Why not order a device which is manufactured in China from a Chinese retail site, saving me a huge chunk of dosh if ordering exactly the same from a UK based retailer?
This is not a personal dig, and I very much agree with your sentiments when buying from the likes of Shein where the issues of workers rights etc are well documented, but as the majority of consumer electronics are manufactured in China or other Far Eastern countries then why not save myself a few quid buying “direct?”
Perhaps I’m talking bollox here as I’m the one posing the initial question, and obviously unsure of the chances of getting my money back, but my point about cutting out the middle man remains valid?
Much of the time you are buying counterfeit goods which would be illegal for sale in the UK
Pretty much every uk firm has a modern slavery statement they promise to uphold and their suppliers need to adhere to certain standards. These might not be wholly effective but at least they are trying to do something. Buying direct from an uncontrolled sweat shop with zero regs encourages the behaviour and allows them to continue it. That’s one of the reasons it’s so cheap. The other is a lot of it is stolen IP and fake goods basically stealing from a uk based company who has spent money on R&D, patents, advertising etc.
I use the place a few times a year for various shite.
The odd watch strap (most are ok) the occasional watch, no fakes, homages at most, usually with some ironic glaring horror that amuses me (the ceramic pilot watch with the comic sans font always makes me chortle) or knife sharpening stones, thin brushes for cleaning that annoying bit on the shower door, computer desk trays for storing desk detritus, etc.
all stuff available from eBay or Amazon for a markup over the Ali price.
My usual SOP is to add stuff to my basket over the months and then hit buy when the total gets to a certain point. Then wait for random crap to hit the doormat.