Don’t rely on it - Google Maps certainly seems to have expired data round here. They clearly updated to the 20mph default in Wales, but where local councils have then made manual changes to certain sections it doesn’t seem to have that right.
They could make some folk do it every 5 hours and they’d still drive like cunts…
Oh,I presumed it was constantly updating
Just had a look for the app,pretty sure Waze is the one she mentioned
Shooting herself in the foot there.
Waze also warns of the location of speed cameras, both static and mobile!
It does keep relatively up to date, not really sure what the delay factor is, but it’s definitely there.
Some time ago I attended 2 in 2 weeks , One for a car , Doing 34 in a 30 zone, ( barsturds ) the one for a HGV on the M25 , Just as I went under a over head gantry the speed change from 70 down to 30 , When you are hauling 40 odd tons it takes some stopping , Even the man doing the meeting thought it was amusing .
I hope you explained yourself exactly like that, complete with colour blind tangent
In the 70s “someone” (my father) came very close to sinking a Royal Navy frigate in the channel. There was a board of enquiry etc. which exonerated him.
Basically the frigate was on manoeuvres, cutting across sea lanes, radioed my father’s ship to tell him to get out of the way.
“Yeah, we weigh 250,000 tonnes, we can’t”
“But we’re the Navy”
“And it takes us 25 miles to stop”
etc. with predictable results.
It’s the best 5 hours she’ll ever have.
The zoom ones are cheaper than the in person awareness courses. They did have biscuits at the in person one so I ate three packets of them and went on an internal sugar roller coaster. For more tips on how not to do life mail
I participated in one online session but I’ve been to 2 or 3 in person courses over the years and mostly enjoyed them (not just for the free biscuits) I liked the raging denial and sense of injustice being displayed by most of the attendees. They couldn’t help themselves in venting at the person running the course forgetting entirely that they were dodging the points. If in person courses were still a thing they’d have made a great subject for a sit-com. The excuses sometimes
I did an online one just when they started them, early lockdown. It was quite entertaining. The ‘naughty step’ of the internet.
Is there any scope for the instructor to go “nope, you’re back to getting 3 points” if someone is a complete bellend on a course?
I think they can refuse to sign off someone’s participation which would basically be the same as saying they didn’t attend so therefore 3 points. The threat of that was usually enough to make people calm down.
Yes, the camera has to be on and the attendee visibly present at all times on screen. Failure to do this is a course fail and the points go on. Most unreasonable, often these courses encroach on nap o’clock.
A cardboard cut out and a mouse jiggler should do the trick
Got pulled for 32 in 30 in Warrington in 2011 and naturally elected to do the course locally to me, in Burford, Oxon.
Aside from my loutish presence it was almost exclusively Major Bufton-Tuftons and Lady Clarissas - all elderly, briefly-&-resentfully sober, and absolutely effervescent with suppressed indignation. These are people for whom ‘Patronising’ is their primary linguistic tense. Happily, this was grist-to-the-mill of the chap running it.
Class was asked to explain why they had exceeded the speed limit. Without exception they all had profoundly compelling reasons involving critical luncheon dates, niece’s weddings, Persian cat litters, visits from their antiques dealer, &c, &c. Each was rightly dismantled for its absurdity by a man clearly skilled and practiced in so doing.
I’ve not seen so many puce and crimson heads since I last attended a gangbang…
I was honestly surprised how many elderly folk were there. I used to assume The Olds would have calmed down and sorted their shit out. Anyone who drives any distance will know most of them just do 40mph on all roads, in all circumstances, all of the time, in a brainfog (with which I’m starting to become familiar myself), and just hope for the best - these were the ones that got caught.