
The artist formerly known as Prince in bog form.


Ironic there is no shower…


Like that


Seeing @pmac s stranglers cover on waylt thread. The photos used were taken at The old knoll in Blackheath


We had an estate which had similar features made in the 60s.
A few friends lived there,and many had the walk downstairs when you enter the front door. As far as flats went,they were pretty nice and airy.

On the downside,they used some super quick drying cement,and the whole estate started to get big cracks,so it was knocked down after only being up 20 or so years

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The Johnson legacy of white elephant projects continues to expand.

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Interesting, how nipples had influence on UK building regulations…

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Always loved a good conversation pit, but I have to admit I’ve never seen a cocktail pit before.

Cin Cin :cocktail:

This at Eileen Gray’s E-1027.

The wiki article neglects to mention the orgies and murder of an extremely shady later owner, but does remind us of what an egomaniacal misogynist twat Le Corbusier was.

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made some nice cookware though :slight_smile:


Indeed. He’ll always be remembered for that.

Imagine, create a building for Mussolini’s fascist police state on the one hand, be remembered for his cast iron cook ware on the other.

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One way to get your listing shared…


Perhaps, but

with the most perfect living room we’ve ever laid our eyes on

They need to get out more, it’s horrible!


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Popped up on my News Feed:

Zeppelintribune in Nürnberg by Albert Speer.

To be honest there’s not a lot of it left - it used to be lined with columns and had an eff-off big swastika on top of it.

It only struck me later that the “balcony” to which you’d naturally gravitate to look at Zeppelinfeld

(or where it used to be) was actually the pulpit from which you-know-who would address the faithful. Yeah, that’s not a great feeling.

And on the same site, an absolutely batshit piece of fascist gigantism, the Kongresshalle designed by Franz and Ludwig Ruff.

Intended to have a capacity of 80,000, and to be roofed, construction halted in 1939.

It’s very dilapidated now, however there has been some work to at least stabilise it.

I’m afraid that my potty little photos go nowhere near showing how immense it is, or how utterly silent it was today.

On a lighter note, much of central Nürnberg is a pretty medieval city.


Context for the Zeppelintribune. I believe that the swastika has been photoshopped out.

I’ve never been but it does look like an interesting place to visit.