
Good to see they are investing there again. Shit load of MOD money for BT down that way. Hopefully it will help the locals get half decent jobs. I’ve not been down for maybe 15 years, the disparity with Bath for two cities so close really shocked me. I did prefer Bristol as it seemed to have an edge to it

The old telephone exchange is at the top of a cul-de-sac next to me. Every single planning application for a really ugly building basically has the line “well there’s no point making it attractive, look at the telephone exchange!”


I came across one of the old pre BT exchages in Bristol, i think from memory on a street imaginatively named Exhange St or somesuch. Lovely old building long since repurposed.

A lot of the post war national infrastructure exchanges that were thrown up were substantial concrete buildings. I suspect it was an easy material to build with, could support the sheer weight of those analogue exchanges and importantly was robust. The latter lesson coming from the war, make them as bomb proof as possible and to a degree survivable in a nuclear exchange.

They largely never had windows on the ground floor, again another security measure.

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Telephone avenue, just looked it up.

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Any room at @Gyroscope Towers?

dON’t ShOW @AmDismal


I wish I had the room for that.

I could accommodate that in my garden (would make a handy wind break!) but I’m not sure that SIC Planning Dep’t would be too impressed :flushed:

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Now is the moment. They’re occupied with other stuff.


I wonder if they would deliver :rofl:

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Sent by my friend Maxinne from LA.

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Thinking of dropping-hold of a little place to enjoy some winter sun then Dave?

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I wish. Lying on the sofa trying to digest Complan and failing.


Get well soon chap :+1:

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You have my every sympathy Dave. Loss of appetite/nausea is a real bitch. Can you not get some Metaclopromide and Omeprazole to help things along.

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I’m taking 80mg of Omeprazole every day.
But I’ll check out Metaclopromide.
Complan is dreadful, never again, but I do get my Protein yogurts from the NSH which are a God send.
Because the cancer is in my throat I take mostly liquids.
I never thought it would be this bad. Thanks Olan.

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I took Domperidone for 5 days after my last hospital chemotherapy.

Take care Dave. I hope things improve.


Thanks Guy.