Armchair politics

Interesting post on entryism in Tory constituencies

Galloway to rejoin Labour apparently. Just the sort of image they need.

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I heard his interview on Sky News this morning, complete and utter nutjob.

The Tories will be genuinely worse off without Wollaston. I haven’t heard every comment she’s ever made, but when I have heard her I’ve usually ended up thinking “Good heavens, put this woman in charge”. She doesn’t dodge the issues, deny reality, talk rubbish or pursue her own self-interest at everyone else’s expense. She even sounds like she’s capable of listening which, perhaps, comes from having been a junior hospital doctor and then a practising GP for 20 years.



With Hatton already back they just need Livingstone now.



It develops as they rise up the food chain.


It’s one hell of a dead cat. Ken’s sure to be allowed back if those two morons have made their ‘timely’ reappearance.

So: “Hitler wasn’t all that bad …” in five, four, three, two …

Buzz phrase of the day - ‘broad church’

Must have heard it 20 times already since the 3 Conservatives resigned.


Thx. I can’t even blame that on my phone , can I?

Series one was excellent, series two less so


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Good that she has realised that the above attributes are incompatible with the current Tory party.

They have left it late but the IG is getting interesting. Would be a shame to see the DUP lose power, they have such a broad minded view on things :smile:

At the next election I can see a lot of Independents doing well.

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Well, he was a socialist :joy:

Yea, it wont stand a chance of becoming law, but it shows the way the new style of Labour leadership (Big Len) thinks. Essentially, support us or you’re out, or even simpler, the individual is dead, long live the Party.

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The IG just needs Tony Blair and Alan B’stard and they’ll be unstoppable.

and Alastair Campbell doing their PR :+1:

and undeclared funding from the IEA & TPA

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Frankly anyone who is suprised by this is a moron. The two existing biggest parties are so absolutely fucking awful that something had to change.

I’m sure the hardcore members/suporters of Lab/Con will vilify the MP’s who have resigned, but really they should be looking at their parties and realise that the parties have done this to themselves, because the behaviours of their respective leaderships are unacceptable to many.

It’s far easier to blame others than look inward, though, so I suspect little will be learned. Hopefully they will continue to implode.


Spot on fella.

This has happened a few times in the last 100 years or so. It takes something big; wars, Thatch winning or Brexshit to bring the deep divisions to the surface. Divisions that always exist in any grouping of people. When things are going well people can ignore their differences to a large extent. On the edge of a precipice and differences look massive.

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