Bean to cup machine under £300. Any cunt that posted in the faff thread need not contribute here. Thanks

DeLonghi or what?

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Fuck’s sake.


Hand grinder and a kettle.


Yes. Or go down the route laden with pfaff.

We have a DeLonghi, and are very happy with it. Thus far (about 6 years in total) it has been reliable. DeLonghi will supply just about every part for it at reasonable cost, and there are loads of Youtube vids on repairing and cleaning etc.
If you do get a DeLonghi, shop around - they make a dizzying array of different models and there are often big discounts to be had.

Oh, and it makes a fair cup of coffee, too. Not as good as you’ll get from an Aeropress, but good nevertheless.

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Lakeland sell them and do a 3 year guarantee I think. Not sure if the JL guarantee is worth it these days

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Obvious troll is obvious :grinning:

It’s all overrated get a nice Nespresso machine instead…

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Nespresso are good, and faff-free.

Pods are expensive compared to beans though.

£349. Currently unavailable see Amazon.

I got mine from Wayfair for £250

Here’s something you could have won!


I have one of these, its alright

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Buy a bean to cup machine for under £300 then loudly proclaim you can’t see what all the fuss is about.


I have a DeLonghi nespresso machine, still going strong after c10 years. I keep trying to kill it to have an excuse to upgrade but it refuses to die.

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This question is more difficult to answer that hifi or cables. Really.

Do you want milk varieties as well with the machine?
Do you want to clean the brewing unit every 1/2 days?
300 is quite a small budget.

tl;dr: Cheapest Melitta or Delonghi and separate milk frother.

We have had:
Miele built in, Saeco, Delonghi ESAM 3500, Melitta Cafeo Solo.
All with removable brewing unit because of cleaning purposes.
The Delonghi frothing was not great in the long term and difficult to clean, the brewing unit of the Melitta was difficult to remove after a 3 or so years.

Now we have a Krups and is the best bean to cup so far, also by taste.
No removable unit with internal cleaning system, easy to clean milk frothing and metal brewing unit.
It tells you when and step by step how to descale, clean brewing unit or clean frothing system.
The Missus was never so happy with a coffee machine. (Mind, the Miele was 3k at that time).
Although above your budget, maybe you can get a similar Krups discounted, as new models have arrived.

Edit: look what I just got :slight_smile:

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A perfectly percolated response.

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Yeah, the beans will be chopped :unamused: rather than burr ground :+1:

Spend a bit more, get a decent grinder, I use a hand one with a rechargeable drill modification :cowboy_hat_face: and Gaggia classic :sunglasses:

If you want decent milk froth you have to do it manually anyway.

All within usual scope creep parameters on your original price guide :grinning:

V60 for your morning fix and have a flat white from a decent café as an occasional treat

Delonghi bean to cup machines have burr grinders.



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