Best place to buy record inner sleeves?

This statement should be seen through the lens that I have severe difficulty putting duvet covers on.


PVC can break down, releasing acidic gas (HCl), but the effects here are more likely due to release of plasticiser. Unplasticised PVC, as in uPVC window frames, is quite stiff, so small molecules which on their own are liquid at room temperature are added to the polymer matrix to soften it and make it flexible for use in things like blood bags and record sleeves. These low polarity compounds (e.g. dioctyl phthalate) give the sticky feel to the surface when they release, and will stick to or redissolve in record vinyl (a mixture of PVC and polyvinylacetate, PVA), giving the problems observed.


I despise the nagaoka sleeves, moved onto Conrad from Amazon. Or direct if my memory is correct.

Not sure about chemical stability, and they won’t go into inner sleeve, but less faff and thick enough.

MOFI for me where I bin the plain paper inner.
I use the nagaoka ones for records where I want to keep the printed paper inner and have a poly liner that fits.

Proper answer. 10/10

This. New (or new to me) LP arrives here, it gets a wash ind blow dry on the Keith Monks, into a Nagoaka inner and then back into the original inner sleeve. Without the original inner the Nagaoka would be too much of an arse-ache.

The Mofi are cheaper and you get encapsulated rice paper - who doesn’t need encapsulated rice paper?
I bung the original inner outside at the back when placing in the outer sleeve. Originality reasons. I like Faff


Bought some of the Mofi ones, too :+1:

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I do that if it has anything worth keeping, like a lyric sheet or an illustration.
If it is plain white paper it gets binned

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my go to place, if you can call in then prices are better (I can :blush:)

This thread made vaginas seal up forever


The answer to most things = Porn hub
(And encapsulated rice paper)

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and the result is -

These win it, by a nautical mile :+1:

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For everything except price

More than double the price I pay and that is a consideration when I am also buying outer sleeves for the records

I bought some of the cheap ones as well. They are perfectly good for everyday records.

These fit well into existing inner sleeves and are for best :slight_smile:

At £20 a record there is no such thing as everyday records!

I could say then surely they deserve the best care but I will say, You’ve never met my record collection, have you ?

Pffft. If I was to put outer sleeves on my records I would have run out of shelf space in 2016. I am compromising with being careful when taking off and putting back LPs on the existing shelving and crossed fingers. The boss will go feckin’ nuts if I start a new wall of storage.

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So much this

Spend as much as you want on inners and fuck the covers cause you are not allowed to put a shelf up!


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