Best place to buy record inner sleeves?

Let’s not mention the fact that there are at least 1500 more LPs in the loft here (and about 4000 CDs) and another stash in Dublin of the 1000 or so that I didn’t take with me when I left Ireland in 1988. We do not want to arouse the suspicion of the Antipodean vinyl auditor at any stage before the renovations are finished. :innocent: (needs a :whistling face emojii: here).


A nice thought, got any pan pipes?

If you ever get your collection together in one place then we need photographs Olan as that is an impressive amount of music not even on display :+1:

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I have, to the very best of my knowledge, never sold a record I owned. I intend to have a Viking funeral and be burned with my vinyl while St Julian of Cope’s ‘As the beer flows over me’ plays on in the background.


A lot of the LPs in Dublin were inherited from various folk and so were surplus to requirements. The stuff in the loft is also fairly random.

To be fair there are enough to be going on with in the study already, what with 2 spare sets of monoblocks (both mahoosively heavy), a spare integrated amp, along with system, RCM, LPs, sofa and dog bed.

IIRC @crimsondonkey has or had many thousands of LPs in storage.

As opposed to myself who has bought, sold, rebought, sold, repeat ad infinitum virtually every record I have owned, paying more each time.

Bright lad, eh ?


Treat them as capital assets and hold them firmly to your heart.

Bit late now Olan :frowning:

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Not for the ones you currently own it isn’t…:man_facepalming:


Good point, well made.

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Fuck it - I had to sell a shit load of albums after I got divorced to save me ending up on the streets. The worst of it is, I know I got totally fleeced, but at the end of the day it did save me from penury.


When I moved house my records felt like a burden and to some extent I’ve struggled to loose that feeling.
I have repetitive listening habits so most of my collection is largely redundant or as near damn it. I just hope my wife and kids get what its worth when the time comes.

For personal records I’ve had to discipline myself to be strict. If I have not played an LP in x4 years it often gets sold. If I’ve bought a dud, it gets sold. If I no longer love it (tastes change), it gets sold. If I find a nicer condition example, the old one gets sold. Quantity isn’t the goal, quality is.